On Tue, 2011-11-08 at 10:35 +1030, Bruce Bruen wrote:

> FORGET THIS ONE! I found my problem - I had included phCCDemo as a
> library in the project I was using to see if the new component was
> available. 

No, I spoke too soon... :-(

Tried with a new project and the Paddys-Hill tab is definitely not in
the toolbox.

So, I manually copied the compiled project files as follows:
phCCDemo.gambas -> /usr/local/lib/gambas3
.component -> /usr/local/lib/phCCDemo.component
.info -> /usr/local/share/gambas3/info/phCCDemo.info
.list -> /usr/local/share/gambas3/info/phCCDemo.list
all the control icons into /usr/local/share/gambas3/control/phCCDemo

And TADA! everthing seems OK so far!

So it looks like the autotools scripts don't work (on my distro, that

The only outstanding item is getting the controls to look in the IDE
like how they will appear in the product.  I think I have to compile the
component into the IDE itself?  


<<attachment: face-sad.png>>

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