On Sun, 2012-11-11 at 03:42 +0200, Jussi Lahtinen wrote:

> OK, so the package is really faulty.
> Could it be problem with deb tools?
> Versions from virtual machine (that produced non-working deb):
> $ dpkg-buildpackage --version
> Debian dpkg-buildpackage version
> And with synaptic, debhelper version is 9.20120115ubuntu3.
I've got the same versions as you have.
Packaging works for me, as does installing the .deb packages
>         I guess I would have to package the exact same source code to
>         compare,
>         don't you think so?
> Oh yes, of course. Attached.

Send the .deb file made from your source in another post, it works just
fine. See if you can install it.
>         Your and Johns installions have been done recently. Has
>         something changed in 3.3.3 packages meanwhile?
> According to PPAs website, no...
> https://launchpad.net/~nemh/+archive/gambas3

> Jussi


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