A few weeks ago I post a comment about a bug in gb-db-mysql (I guess) about
the loosing of language preferences after de time-out close connection of
mysql server. The solution aparently was to increase the time-out in the
server but, if the time-out is too big, then my application hangs after a
unindetermined amount of time...
I back to decrease the time-out of server and the application doesn't hangs
any more... but the language preferences are loosed again.
I've read somewhere that this bug have been fixed in 3.4.0 version of
Gambas3, but I've installed de 3.4.1 of the Nemh Repositories and the bug
is not fixed.
What can I do? I'm Spanish and all my databases are in UTF-8 general... my
clients are very angry with me... help, please.

Thanks in advance

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