Le 11/04/2013 23:48, Jorge Carrión a écrit :
> Well... I use my own class inherited from Connection to talk with database.
> It's been workin without problems for 5 years. And don't undestand very
> well what it's happend here. (I attach the class with this mail).
> I've been browsing the gambas source code in sourceforge and I've seen by
> myself the "set names utf8". So I begin to think that perhaps my clients
> doesn't have updated  to last 3.4.1 release from nemh repository...
> Just tell me, please, if you can see any obvious error in the class
> attached to this mail, If that is not the case I'll remind to my clients
> the need and convenience of updating.
> Sorry about this mess.
> Regards

The bug (that forget the character set in the case of an automatic mysql 
reconnection) has been fixed in the 3.4.0 version. So if you use that 
version, the problem must come from something else...

Benoît Minisini

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