On Thu, 2013-10-24 at 13:47 +0200, Charlie Reinl wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, den 24.10.2013, 21:41 +1030 schrieb Bruce:
> > On Wed, 2013-10-23 at 20:25 +1030, Bruce wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > > 
> > > I just added a new custom control to the wiki "Additional Components"
> > > page (or you can just go here http://paddys-hill.net/wp/?page_id=174).
> > > 
> > > It provides a means for the user to manipulate a list of objects.
> > > 
> > > I wrote it today after I started (yet again) to implement the same thing
> > > directly into another project. I must have done this about 20 times! So
> > > I finally just sat down and wrote the custom control.
> > > 
> > > Hope you like it.
> > > Bruce
> > 
> > Well, since posting that I have discovered a few things!
> > 
> > * Gambas doesn't like me calling the project gb.listmgr!  Well, it
> > doesn't mind but it refuses to recognise it as a component in the IDE
> > toolbox. So in the next few days I'll change its' name to simply
> > "listmgr".
> > 
> > * Setting default values in the _Properties constant has got some
> > strange effects.  The Orientation property was defined as
> > "Orientation{Align.Left;Right;Top;Bottom}=Right,"
> > (and the property was initialised to "=Align.Right") but this causes
> > some aberrant behaviour that I will shortly raise as an issue. In the
> > meantime, some or all of the control properties need to be set
> > explicitly either in code or via the IDE properties bar.
> > 
> > Now the biggy!
> > 
> > I have spent some hours today modifying our local copy of the IDE source
> > so that it displays help for local (i.e. "ThirdParty") components. Why?
> > Because apart from the list manager we have over 20 custom controls that
> > we use in projects and the IDE will not display help for non-gb
> > components (and custom controls must be components not libraries). At
> > the end of the day we can now have help for these local components based
> > on in-line code help. I would like to commit the changes I have made
> > BUT...
> > 
> > I use eSvn as a front end to svn, which is pretty good but it wont let
> > me commit to the source repo (because it can't handle my password
> > string).
> > 
> > @Benoît: I could send you the diffs but I know you don't like them.
> > 
> > So, can anyone tell me 
> > a) how I can get my repo password changed to something else, and
> > b) does anyone know how to set the password in eSvn for a repo copy?
> > 
> > Bruce
> Salut Bruce,
> maybe you didn't commit something for a long time, could be the change
> to ssh, so you have to follow this :  
> http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/sourceforge/wiki/SSH%20keys  
> Just an idea!
Aaarrgghhh! I just spent 6 hours reading Benoît's IDE code and now you
think I should read THAT!


Seriously. Thanks. Look at it tomorrow.

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