Am Donnerstag, den 24.10.2013, 21:41 +1030 schrieb Bruce:
> On Wed, 2013-10-23 at 20:25 +1030, Bruce wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > I just added a new custom control to the wiki "Additional Components"
> > page (or you can just go here
> > 
> > It provides a means for the user to manipulate a list of objects.
> > 
> > I wrote it today after I started (yet again) to implement the same thing
> > directly into another project. I must have done this about 20 times! So
> > I finally just sat down and wrote the custom control.
> > 
> > Hope you like it.
> > Bruce
> Well, since posting that I have discovered a few things!
> * Gambas doesn't like me calling the project gb.listmgr!  Well, it
> doesn't mind but it refuses to recognise it as a component in the IDE
> toolbox. So in the next few days I'll change its' name to simply
> "listmgr".
> * Setting default values in the _Properties constant has got some
> strange effects.  The Orientation property was defined as
> "Orientation{Align.Left;Right;Top;Bottom}=Right,"
> (and the property was initialised to "=Align.Right") but this causes
> some aberrant behaviour that I will shortly raise as an issue. In the
> meantime, some or all of the control properties need to be set
> explicitly either in code or via the IDE properties bar.

Salut Bruce,

for the default settings, see my question on 9/15 and the answer 
from Benoît.

--- Begin Message ---
Le 14/09/2013 21:22, Charlie Reinl a écrit :
> Am Freitag, den 13.09.2013, 22:25 +0200 schrieb Karl Reinl:
>> Salut Benoît,
>> I'm making a Timepicker for me, but I ran into problems.
>> I need 2 Class _Properties, first for 12/24 hours and second for minute
>> slices, both raise in the control property grid, but only the second
>> raise during form load, is it a bug  or what do I wrong?
>> By that way, one can not declare something like
>>      Public Const 12_h As Integer = 12
>> I attached the project.
> Salut,
> I found out, the property_write event only raise, when the property took
> a value <> Default.
> If the property has its default value, property_write don't raise at
> form load.
> So if you drop the control on your form and see that the values are
> right (you have nothing to change), you will find you variable not
> filled.
> Now I fill the variables with their default value at declaration time.
> Is that wanted by design like that ?

Yes: the default value indicated in the _Properties string must be 
coherent with the default value actually implemented in the code. There 
is no mean for Gambas to guess the default value!

Benoît Minisini

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