On Sun, 16 Mar 2014, ??????? ? wrote:
> >
> > The Gambas Console (which is built into the IDE to watch a program's stdout
> > and stderr) is not a full-featured terminal emulator. It won't interpret
> > those escape sequences, so you need to enable the "Use a terminal emulator"
> > option in the project options.
> >
> Ooops! This option, seems to be broken here! :-(
> After enabling it, nothing happens (when I'm pressing the "play"
> button). Only a small empty window, appears at bottom-right.
> I uninstalled the repository version and I tried to install the
> subversion one, but compilation failed. :-(
> I took all the steps from "Compiling the Subversion repository" page,
> but after ~20min, (at the last step, after becoming root) I got this
> message:
> ||
> || Unable to compile gb.report
> || Unable to compile gb.net.pop3
> || Unable to compile gb.map
> || Unable to compile gambas3
> ||
> Not my lucky day, I suppose! :-)

You're using OpenSuse? I don't, but IIRC (what I'm *really* not sure about!)
I've heared rumours that their repositories deliver broken Gambas...

But do you actually Print something in your program? The white window could
be your terminal which stays white because your program doesn't do anything?

About the svn compilation: 20 minutes sounds familiar. The problems are
strange, though[*]. Could you send us the build logs as described here[0]?


[*] Not that there are some but *what* problems is strange. I don't see any
    reason-indicating similarity between them.

[0] http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/doc/report?v3

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