On Sun, 16 Mar 2014, ??????? ? wrote:
> >
> > Could you send us the build logs as described here[0]?
> >
> > Regards,
> > Tobi
> >
> I tried to compile the stable (3.5.2) version (after downloading it
> from SF.NET dl page).
> I couldn't and it's clearly a missing dependencies problem, but I
> couldn't figure out, what packages are missing! :-(
> Logs:
> http://pastebin.com/37F8sTsF
> http://pastebin.com/nahELQg5
> http://pastebin.com/idzpPSms
> http://pastebin.com/A08NqGLz

The only critical component that's missing is gb.qt4.webkit. As indicated
here[0], you need all the QT libs of version >= 4.5.


[0] http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/install

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