On 09/09/2015 09:08 AM, Tobias Boege wrote:
On Wed, 09 Sep 2015, Kevin Fishburne wrote:
The actual mechanics for loading the assets are Tobias Boege's
ObjModel.class for loading Wavefront OBJ files (3D models)
Are you sure it's my code? I don't even know what a Wavefront is :-)
But I haven't found any mention of ObjModel in my mail archives so I
can't properly attribute the class to anyone else... OTOH, if it causes
slowdowns it might very well be mine... :-)

Hi Tobi. I think it was you. I believe it is the same author as the MD2 loading/animation class included as an example in Gambas, but that you'd never published/distributed it. I've attached the class (with a few modifications by me) to this email. Basically it has a method to load OBJ files (exported from Blender) into a display list and a method to draw/render the list. It has no animation or material support, but works great.

Kevin Fishburne
Eight Virtues
www: http://sales.eightvirtues.com
e-mail: sa...@eightvirtues.com
phone: (770) 853-6271

Attachment: ObjModel.class
Description: application/java

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