Perhaps I begin to understand something, but apologize me if I continue to
say nonsense.

When updating:

cd gambasdevel
sudo make uninstall
Unclear part (see below)
./reconf-all && LLVM_CONFIG=llvm-config-3.5 ./configure -C
make && sudo make install

Unclear part:
I run the git pull command as Charlie suggests?
Or git checkout master as Christof seems to suggest?
I have never used make clean when need to use it?
Would it be the same as rm -rf gambasdevel /?
I note that the command:

git clone --depth=1 gambasdevel

Download only the latest version of development and not the whole git, as
explained in the wiki (about a third of the 100MB)

He is turning my head, I go to sleep.
Goodnight to everyone (in Italy it's night :-))


2017-08-18 21:54 GMT+02:00 Christof Thalhofer <>:

> Am 18.08.2017 um 21:15 schrieb PICCORO McKAY Lenz:
> > 2017-08-18 14:57 GMT-04:00 Gianluigi <>:
> >
> >> ------------------------------------------------------------
> >> ---------------------------------------------
> >> Even if Piccoro does not approve?
> >>
> > i already said the same, do not update, alway remove previous install and
> > made again!
> Removing the last installation (make uninstall) is neccessary but not
> deleting the whole repository with the Gambas sources every time!!! That
> would be bullshit.
> Alles Gute
> Christof Thalhofer
> --
> Dies ist keine Signatur
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------
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