Am 18.08.2017 um 22:54 schrieb Gianluigi:
> Perhaps I begin to understand something, but apologize me if I continue to
> say nonsense.

No problem :-)

> When updating:

What? Do you always use the latest version of Gambas? Do you use the
Gambas development version? Seems so:

> cd gambasdevel

Then check you branch

git branch
* master

Ok, you are on master, thats bleeding edge.

> sudo make uninstall

ok, you uninstalled binary Gambas from your computer

git pull

This fetches all new changes from Gitlab into the repository (in the
subdir .git) and updates the master branch, you are in.


> ./reconf-all && LLVM_CONFIG=llvm-config-3.5 ./configure -C
> make && sudo make install

Ok and you're done. But be careful! Maybe you need make clean before
that (as Tobi wrote).

> Unclear part:
> I run the git pull command as Charlie suggests?

Yes, that is right. It downloads only the changes to the local
repository (in .git).

> Or git checkout master as Christof seems to suggest?

The local repository resides in .git

There are all branches, all versions, all tags of Gambas ever!

git checkout anything

extracts one single state out of the (local) repository to your filesystem.

git checkout master
= bleeding edge

git checkout v3.10.0
= Gambas V3.10

Please understand: If you did a clone from Gitlab to your computer you
have the complete repository, look at that:

git tag

> I have never used make clean when need to use it?

As Tobi wrote, if C/C++ files have been added.

> Would it be the same as rm -rf gambasdevel /?

Jesus! Avoid that! 100MB are gone and you have to download that again!

> I note that the command:
> git clone --depth=1 gambasdevel

This is a shallow clone

> Download only the latest version of development and not the whole git, as
> explained in the wiki (about a third of the 100MB)

So clone it once all and never delete it but just fetch differences.

> He is turning my head, I go to sleep.
> Goodnight to everyone (in Italy it's night :-))

Good night, turning head when switching over to Git is normal :-)

But later you will be in heaven :-)

Alles Gute

Christof Thalhofer

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