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HI thomas
I'm very excited about this game too.  Just a question: I can remember
when I playe dmario with sighted  friends on  tv games,  you also had
the power of growing  in the game.  IN other words, you collect
something  which will let your character grow into a bigger character
instantly . Then there is other objects which will again make   return
your character to it's original size. Is this also found in the super
mario you're talking about?  I would like the same song in the
accessible version of mario that is on the tv games. It's almost like a
reggay song. But the tv games' music is only electronic sounds; it's not
real music. If someone can find out where to find these songs from the
tv games and put that song into the accessible version of mario it would
be great. I can also   remember other tv games like twin bee where you
have to escape from bees. Then there is a carati game named king foo.
Then there is a sircus game, sircus charlie. But that's definitely
lighttechinteractive's speciality. I think  they're in the best position
to produce sircus charlie, because in the horse racing game you must
jump over an obstacle and  sircus charlie have the same  concept.
Jumping through fire rings, jump over monkeys while walking on a  rope
high in the air, jumping onto huge colored sircus balls, jumping from a
donkey's back onto a  trampolene,  etc. Then  I remember a cute little
game called milk and  nuts. But my sighted friends couldn't play it to
show me how to play it.

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Raul A. Gallegos
Sent: 08 June 2006 04:40 PM
To: gamers@audyssey.org
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Super Mario Brothers game

Hi Liam. Hmm, sounds good.

Here is some of what I was thinking about.

First off, in case you or others do not know, Mario was a side scroller.

There were holes to jump over, mushrooms to crush for points, coins to 
push out from under bricks. If you jumped under other bricks they would 
break and you got points. Some of the places you jumped to were up 
higher. For example you could be walking along and let's say you have a 
row of bricks in the air. You could either walk under them and jump up 
to break them. Or you could jump up and walk on top of them. Sometimes 
this would be arranged in three or four levels. Meaning, that you might 
need to get to a third level above to get some coins.

As far as monsters, you have mushrooms which you simply jump on top of 
and smash them. If you touch their sides or if they landed on you from 
bricks above you were history. Turtles which again would kill you if you

touch their sides of if they landed on you. Difference here is that if 
you land on them you pushed them back into their shell. If left alone 
they eventually popped back out again. However while they are in their 
shell you can ram them. now it's ok to touch their sides. The turtle 
shell then rolls in the direction you send it and if there are other 
turtles, mushrooms, etc they are knocked out and you get lots of points.

Other things you run into are walls which you need to jump over. These 
bring the challenges in that if you kicked a turtle shell and it hits 
that wall it will bounce back and head right toward you. In this case 
you need to either shoot it if you got fire or you need to jump over it.

Of course the more experienced players would simply jump and land on it 
stopping it and then either kicking it behind them or just leaving it. 
This was in case you didn't have fire.

I said I would describe the game a little but there is way more I can 
describe. LOL. Ideas are below.

1. I'm not sure how an audio engine would handle climbing to higher 
ground within the same level. We would need to assign a sound letting 
you know about drop offs and letting you know about bricks you can jump 
onto or jump under to destroy.

2. Mushrooms, turtles, jellyfish, flying turtles, koopa the dragon, etc 
would all have to have sounds attached to them. Problem is some of these

creatures fly so not sure how to code into the game if they arre flying 
too low making you need to get out of the way or if they are flying just

right so you can just run under them.

3. There are pipes which come up from the ground. Usually these pipes 
are just there for boundaries like if you kick a turtle shell it bounces

back to you. However the pipes usually have mario eating plants which 
pop up for a few seconds, and then go back down for a few seconds. If 
you stand on a pipe while the plant is down it will not come up while 
you are standing on it. Sometimes there are hidden sublevels by pressing

down while standing on a pipe. These might take you into a coin 
gathering spree or bonus points, extra lives, etc.

4. at the end of each sublevel there is a hill of bricks you cannot 
destroy. you simply slimb the hill and at the end you need to jump as 
fast and far as you can to get the flag. The higher you land on the flag

pole the more points you get.

All levels are timed, at the end the time is brought down to zero and 
you watch your points going up. This is where I figured you got the time

bonus in Super Liam.

Those are just some beginning thoughts. That does not even cover the 
castle levels, the underground levels all the way, the under water 
levels, and the floating platform levels.

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