Hi tom,
the dominion war sounds perfect. In addtion, some creative mission plot 
lines can have the player fight klingons and romulans and even borg, not to 
mention the ferengi, orion piratesand even  their own federation ships. 
These whould mostly be one shot missions, but it is possible and should be 
explored, since after all, it is the final conflict.

The truth will set you free...
Jesus of Nazareth  33 AD
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Thomas Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <gamers@audyssey.org>
Sent: Saturday, September 16, 2006 7:05 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] More STFC thoghts.

> Hi all,
> I've been reviewing all the possabilities for the storyline for this
> game as well as potential enemies, starships, you name it and based on
> some recommendations it seams logical that this game be based on the
> Dominion War as some have suggested. Sorry, I don't remember who
> suggested it, but as I think about it it seams like the perfect reason
> for the Federation to be as agressive as I'd like the missions to be,
> high action, lots of fighting, and the excuse for enemy races to be
> attacking stations, colonies, you name it. Basicly, the Federation would
> be at war.
> Earlier, yesterday, Phil has suggested he'd like to see non Federation
> ships in the game like a Romulan D'Deridex Cruiser or a Klingon Vor'cha
> Attack Cruiser. It so happens us Trek historians know during the
> Dominion war the races of the Alpha quadrant put aside personal
> differences to alie themselves against the dominion. Therefor if the
> game is based on the Dominion War it seams possible Klingon and Romulan
> starships would be fighting along side Federation ships against the
> Breen, Cardassian, and Jem'hadar forces.
> Down side of this idea is you would be basicly fighting the Dominion and
> its allied races such as the Cardassians and Breen. There is probably
> little room for fringe fights with the Borg, Romulans, and anyone else.
> Since everything is geared against the Dominion.
> However, up side is there is a real focus for the game, lots of room for
> battles, missions, reasons to engage with lethal force, and I wouldn't
> mind tangling with a Jem'hadar Fighter or two.
> What do you all think. Like the idea of putting the game in the Dominion
> War?
> If you guys say yes I say the project gets named Star Trek Dominion War.
> Grin.
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