no I havn't heard anything.
However if this article rings true it means that games for the blind will have 
to stay at dx9 level for now.
Either that or have dx9 and 10 support for backward compatibility.
I doubt that I will upgrade to vista and in deed upgrade for a few years yet.
Its taken me 4 or so years to get the 3 systems we have upgraded to xp, and 
another year to stop using legacy win98 and office97 all together.
Yesterday I had to solve an issue with wmp11 and klite mega codec.
Its not likely I will upgrade for 2 reasons.
1.  xpsp3 comes out when vista comes out or around then.
So I will upgrade to that.
2.  the vista interface if thats like ie7 with toolbars that can't turn off and 
search boxes that are core components, I wouldn't upgrade, I'd rather get xp 
even if I have to download xp which is not legal, but I refuse to upgrade.
At least as long as I can.
I also can't afford the large memmory and other things I'd need for systems to 
run vista, the 512mb ram system will not cut it and the 1gb minimum is reported 
as just cutting it.
There is added security,and if its ms its more holes and annoyances.
I'll cross the bridge when something breaks, but as long as xp lives, or I have 
a coppy lagit or not I will stay with it for now.
I do hope though that someone at ms make some sence come around.
I don't want to stay in the passed but it aint easy anymore.
IN the coming year I am upgrading screenreading software so I am ready in case 
vista does have to go on a system.
Its my hope that xpsp3 will increas the life of xp by a bit at least.
Also the piracy things ms put in place will just become a nucence because some 
hardcore crim always cracks the ms os and then security of the product keys 
means nothing.
But who knows?
I may be proved wrong or not, who knows.
At 06:58 PM 11/27/2006, Ari wrote:
>Hi guys, 
>I don't know whether this has been discussed while I was away, but I'd like to 
>tell you guys about this interesting article I read in a computer magazine 
>about gaming on Windows Vista. 
>First, DirectX 10 will only be made to support Vista. Another thing is that, 
>not knowing if I understood the article properly, but some old games that work 
>on XP  won't work on Vista. 
>I'd like to know has anyone else heard anything about gaming on Vista and are 
>there positive/negative things for us?
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