The rub is that, unlike the majority of sighted, and employed, computer users, the visually impaired, for the most part, are unemployed, and don't have the money to go out and buy a new machine that is up to today's standards.

If guns kill people, writing implements cause grammatical and spelling errors! ----- Original Message ----- From: "Thomas Ward" <>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 8:50 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] challenge for developers, post xp windows

Hi Josh and all,
The vast, vast, vast majority of Windows users never upgrade their
existing machine. They go buy a cheap new computer which happens to
have the latest OS on it. When this occurs, rather than going through
channels to keep using obsolete software, hang on to the old machine
to play such games, and keep that machine in as good repair as
possible, much as I have had to do with vinyl record players over the
End Snip

Exactly. I've done that very thing myself many times and I think it is
the most practical solution to the problem of upgrading from one
technology to another.

For example, when DVDs came out I did not immediately throw out all my
VHS tapes. Instead what I did was buy a DVD player and slowly collect
my favorite movies and shows on DVD. Once I had replaced all my VHS
tapes with DVDs I got rid of the VHS tapes. I used both a VCR and DVD
player for many years and I didn't consider it an all or nothing
This situation with XP is just as easy to resolve. If Dark or someone
had a laptop running XP they could easily put it in a carrying case
and store it in a closet when not using XP, but get it out when they
want to play older games and run older applications while at the same
time own a brand spanking new laptop with Windows 8 on it. Why not
have the best of both worlds?

And, as far as Draconis goes, we are working to move our games forward
to modern operating systems.
End Snip

Same here with USA Games. One of our goals right now is finding out
what we have to do to make our games more compatible with Windows
Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8. Things like making our games work
with User Account Control and XAudio2 are more valuable to us over the
long term than maintaining backwards compatibility with XP.

At some point, you will be forced to upgrade. You can do it on your
own terms and find solutions to these challenges yourself, or you can
wait until circumstance makes it necessary, and have squandered the
time you had to make the upgrade smoother. I suppose it comes down to
where the tipping point for each individual will be. When does the
future hold more promise than retreading the ground of the past.
End Snip

I am in full agreement. The people who dig there heals in and go
kicking and screaming into the future would be better off trying to
resolve problems now rather than waiting until circumstances forces
the decision on a person. Progress stops for no man, and if someone
stops to fight it progress will eventually run them over.

I agree that upgrading just to be able to say you have the latest and
greatest is not a sound mindset. An upgrade should offer tangible
benefits. If it doesn't, you're clearly using the wrong OS for you,
and perhaps should consider alternatives.
End Snip

Agreed. I certainly don't believe in the idea that people should
upgrade just for the sake of upgrading. There always should be some
benefit to upgrading, and usually there are benefits that a person may
or may not know about in advance. As long as someone has the mindset
that there is absolutely nothing good about Windows 7, Windows 8, etc
then they won't be able to see those benefits because they have
already made their mind up to dislike it benefits or no benefits.


The above points you raise are less reasons than justifications, in my
opinion. There are solutions, some of them reasonably simple, to both
of them.
End snip

Yes, agreed. There are reasonably simple solutions to the problems
Dark raised such as maintaining two computers instead of one, but   I
haven't heard anything that justifies his points. All I see is a bunch
of reasons why he dislikes the new versions of Windows so much, and
weather I agree with him or not that won't change the fact that no
matter how much he likes or dislikes Windows 8 it is the present and
XP is the past. Neither Microsoft or any other developer will continue
to support it forever. Sooner or later all good things must come to an


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