Well you sertainly have hit  the zombie right there.
I know our local blind org has experimented with audiogames sertainly knows about them. Would they publish an interesting mag, probably but I am not sure about the reviewing process. We would need editers and people in all countries that had orgs at least it would use fewer resources.
Now how many would be interested would be the thing.
Especially if there are those that think the poor blindies can play asabat games or games that support something else and not the normal games probably wouldn't care. At any rate we don't want the poor, super mentally mangled blind as the image for the magazine. How many organisations have been excluded, I am not sure but with the attitude going round I suggest enough to make a dent righ there. I am also not a socal blogger, I have a twitter for viewing tweats and a wordpress but find it hard to write on either.
I wouldn't hold myself to post something per week, its really hard to do.
To be honest my local org is only just now investigating nvda as a reader that is not jaws only now. How long the review processes will take and how long would it take to geet a rejection if ever it surfaced again.
And the coverage.
in the news released last month, the mention of nvda was 2 lines.
1 its being investigated
2.  it has some issues which jaws does not have.
and there you go.
no description of what the issues were nothing.
Its a pitty.
Immediately I wrote to the devs to solve this and was requested info.
A trackback found no one to talk to at all, and this worries me.
Its a flat rejection right there.
at least officially.
Ok, so I know now nvda eventually came out but no publication what so ever.
My suspician is the poor blind, super blind, mental blind, and stupid dumb helpless blind nut which has been growing thicker and thicker may be a quite hard nut to crack and will need a godly sized hammer to smash if it can ever be smashed.
Yes its todays world but the old habbits still exist in some shape or form.
I am not confordent that anyone will change without rocking the blindy boat unless there is a reason and sertainly nothing big.
I am not saying don't try but still.
The next we can do is try to get with magazine distributers themselves.
Now a spaciffic blindness mag has no market value I tried to get a mag I read blind use.
So we would our mag as a section of a mag if we ever got it going.
Now that may not happen either.
We would need someone in each contry to represent us at events and such.
But mainstream events who would play a blindy games when there is graphics.
Blind games are after all crap to sighted, maybe not all but enough that it would not make it a worthwhile thing at least not without some major something.
And it all comes to cash to.
I don't think any of us has millions of dollars, the sighted on here may have more resource. But us poor blindies really don't all have work and may be dependant on handouts and schemes. In fact if I did not live at home I probably wouldn't have resources to even go online!
At least not broadband.
The abismal fact is we need a large ammount of capital to even start sinking this no matter the running costs of this.
That is if we want to expand.
We can expand right now but its going to be different.
1. I hate facebook and twitter but someone not me well ok if no one else will do it I will, needs to be able to stay online 24/7 and handle the mag on social media.
That is hard enough.
we need more forums than the audiogames forum.
game devs need to have the magazine on all their networks.
We need to put the mag to as many places online at once and as quick and as regular as we can.
That may trickle down, but its not garanteed to be honest.
Next we need to contact orgs to see if they will even carry the mag as an interest and thats it or at least link to it.
That may get a responce especially with libraries going digital.
The distribution with organisations is another step, but if they approved that.
there are blind consumer organisations courses, etc, there is potentual for distribution right there if we could get that far. Now thats fine and good, but we need to get the mag outside the blindness community if we are able to make a dent. the web distribution should be easy enough the rest will be the problem and even then.
Next we need the media.
Thats good and bad.
We need coverage constantly or at regular intivals online on news articles on on broadcasts. We do not need the poor helpless blind playing games by asabat and jaws, yuck yuck yuck!!!
We need power.
large power!
How to get it is the issue.
If we pulled all resources, I wander how much we could put in if we really thought about it. maybe we could spread this to the forums on audiogames.net, that would open up a few more people as I said before. However the disabled really have no resources thats why we are disabled, most of the cash a lot of us get is from normals so normals will need to be targeted and normals are not us. They don't think like us and sertainly they have no idea what it is like to be us. in general there are obviously a few that do think like us else we wouldn't get what we have now, but to make a noise and a good one I have no idea how I'd go about making such a noise. Normal beings make so much noise themselves without trying that hard all the time just look at the news.
Getting in and staying in is the problem I can see right here.
Resources we have some but not enough.
Power, we may have some but how far does it extend, vary few of us can change the plannet some can. We may at most be able to change our local section of it down to the immediate environment but that can be threatened by normals to as they sue and fight eachother in the quest for power.
Oh man that sounds like a game right there.
But seriously what we can do and what we want to do are vastly different things.
What hope do we have at not being the poor blind.
Lots but if we can't make a dent then we are probably stuck here.
Now if we got one of the big changers or a few of them and had them on our side maybe but then what would we get at. nvda has some big backers and is being used everywhere, at the same time you still have others still getting major cash and it has now its niche. Its a big niche and it can change the plannet but the other side still have huge power. I think that for now we may have to settle with what we have and be thankfull we can with some limits be able to adjust the local space unless anyone is an evil god and can do things dark? <grin>

At 02:02 AM 10/30/2013, you wrote:
Hi Tom.

this is an interesting question. I do perfectly agree with your reasoning, about the legitimacy of the magazine and exposure, and indeed if you look at the way web magazines like Spag are still very popular today with their own websites, news letters, facebook groups etc it does seem a lot could be done with getting the word out to people, on the other hand we are in a slightly different era now where social media and distribution is concerned.

For example, in the past it'd be necessary to go to a website and check the news manually, or subscribe to a mailing list. Now however with rss feeds, twitter and facebook people can be continually updated. I know for instance on audiogames.net there are not a few people who aren't on the forum or visit the site but do! get our news from facebook, twitter or the rss because any news posted gets transmitted over there, (thank Sander and Richard for the clever setup there).

I admit, I am not a social media fan myself and do! prefer checking sites the old fashioned way, but that is a purely personal thing and doesn't hold for a lot of other people.

Thus, before you even start thinking on a magazine basis bare in mind people can access what is written on a site in very different ways now from the traditional E-mail monthly distribution, and can for instance more quickly read smaller news items, this is one reason the other news posters and I try to keep the audiogames.net news as uptodate as we can, for all of those who aren't! on site but might still want to know what's going on currently.

That being said,obviously there are some advantages to a magazine that you couldn't get with a simple news feed like audiogames.net has. One of them is longer articles, retrospectives, detailed reviews, walkthroughs, stratogy guides, phils' joke columns etc. It was for the purpose of giving people a chance to write these and other people a chance to read them in absense of the audeasy magazine that I in fact created the articles room over on audiogames.net, (and anyone who wants to write such an article would be very welcome to do so over there).

It is however equally true that a magazine is by it's very nature a longer read, and thus provides a different and more complete experience than just a brief news post or even a single article. Even though I only caught the tale end of audeasy, issues 50-54 I think, I did myself appreciate the round up, the listing of current information, seeing in one place everything that was going on plus some extras. You could! theoretically achieve this with a news feed if you say had a monthly round up column the way I've seen some blogs do, but certainly I've never been myself inclined to write such a column for audiogames.net, as I couldn't guarantee to do it each month or to remember all the news from everywhere, where as obviously having a magazine as a mostly collective project of all the news it's not necessary for one person to do all the work of individually writing the news items themselves, just for one person to put it all together.

Then of course, as you said, a magazine could potentially be distributed off the internet as braille or large print copies to organizations for the blind, it was after all a very brief note in an otherwise silly braille magazine that first told me about the whitestick.co.uk site and indeed got me into playing games on a pc in the first place. Then again, what such distribution would cost, and whethr organizations for the blind would even be interested, (I can almost guess the response from the Rnib), is another matter.

So, do we need a magazine? does it do that much more than a blog or news feed would do? is it worth someone taking time to edit, put together and create a website?

In fairness I actually don't know, there are arguements on both sides really. Though certainly I'll keep on going with audiogames.net news whatever happens and if there is! a new magazine I'll be glad to mention when issues appear on there as well, though if not, well as I said, any longer articles people might want to write are very welcome on the articles room of the forum, and I'll reporte in the news when such articles are posted.

All the best,


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