you can get a great windows7 machine from blaire technology group for $190 or around $200. take off the back pannel put 4 more gigs of ram in and you are good to go.

using windows7 laptop

On 12/14/2013 5:56 AM, Dallas O'Brien wrote:
hi. a few things here. yes, you are correct che. mac's are nothing,
compared to windows. mac's alone, make up about 50 to 70 million
computers in the world today. windows makes up over 1.5 billion,
that's billion with a B for bravo. lol. so mac's are nothing to
windows. and unless apple brings their prices down, they will never
ever be close to a windows based machine, simply because i can buy a
windows computer, that has the same basic internal capabilities as a
macbook, for a third of the price. and the every day user, isn't going
to spend 3 times the cost, or more. they can't afford it these days.
it's mostly rich kids, and people who have a bit of money to throw at
a problem that buy macs. the every day user just can't afford that
price premium. hell, the prices of iPads and iPhones is just stupid
for that matter.

note, using the turm pc  for only a windows based computer isn't
particularly correct, as mac's are PC's as well. just thought i'd
throw that in, as in terms of what intel call a pc, a mac is one as
and yeah, i can imagine that coding on the mac is ... interesting, to
say the least. lol. hell, just doing every day functions on a mac, are
a combination of contorsionism, and joint popping acrobatics. ahaha.
never the less, it's good to see some games coming out on the mac. but
it will never be the main platform. the ratio of windows to mac is too
great. it's not affordable for a developer to work on some games, for
the mac, compared to for windows.
well, good luck with your work che. looking forward to getting my paws
on a copy of the RR V2.

On 14/12/2013, Che Martin <> wrote:
    Hi ya,
  Just red this quote from the list:
Start quote:

First, ignoring Mac as a viable platform for blind gamers is a poor
strategy. One year on, and Mac sales are still far exceeding Windows sales,
even in comparison to back in the hay day of audio games, some 10 years ago
or so. It isn't just about raw user numbers, it is about demographics and
the quality of those users.
  End quote

   Maybe I am misunderstanding the quote here, but are you saying that macs
are outselling windows machines?
   Where are you getting those numbers?
   Its been a while since I checked, but last time I took notice macs were
around 5 or 6 percent with PC's over 80 percent.
   I am sure the mac has made strides in recent years, but if they are
outselling windows machines in pretty much any significant market, that is
surprising news to me.
   I could see where macs may be accelerating with the decline of the PC,
last I checked, they have a really long way to go to be anywhere near
outselling windows machines.
   If macs are indeed outselling pc's with windows, I would have lost a
bet on that, had a wager been presented to my degenerate gambling self.
   Here is what I dug up quickly on google before going to bed:
In an interview with Computerworld, Gartner analyst Carolina Milanesi says
major OS shift is coming. By 2015, she predicts, devices running Apple
operating systems will overtake those running Windows.

Last year, shipments of products running Windows still handily outnumbered
those running Mac OS and iOS, by 347 million to 213 million, according to
figures from Gartner published Monday. The lead will be slashed to 23
million in 2014, and the Apple OSes will likely outnumber Windows devices
2015, said Carolina Milanesi, research vice president at Gartner.

End article clip

   So based on those numbers, even throwing in the mobile iOS into the mac
equation,  windows is outselling them, strip out iOS and those numbers get
far more out of balance when we're talking windows versus mac straight up.
   Obviously on the mobile side of things, apple is owning microsoft, but if
we're talking macs versus windows, i.e. desktops and laptops, its not even
close, and won't be for many years to come.
   I think regarding mobile platforms if MS doesn't get their heads out of
their collective rear ends, they'll be selling Xbox 2s exclusively in
another decade, but for now, they dominate the desktop and laptop market
hands down in raw sales.
   I'm no microsoft fan boy, I have plenty of apple equipment as well, just
wanted to make sure folks had the right information on this topic,
especially potential developers.
   There are a lot of audio gamers using macs now, and I am glad for it, but
the windows users as far as raw numbers go blow them out of the water,
something I considered and researched very carefully when deciding whether
to port Rail Racer 2 to mac.  In the end, the work didn't justify the
return, not at this point in time anyhow.
   I am learning slowly how to program for iOS, but it is tedious the way
voiceover works on the mac, too many hoops to jump through for basic stuff
making it very inefficient.
   Secondly, I'm having a hard time finding help out in the community,
although I've only recently started, and I'm sure there are groups of
accessible programmers out there somewhere willing to help out with the
occasional question from a newbie to the system and xCode IDE, I just
haven't ferreted them out yet.
   If anyone out there knows of someone willing to help me answer a few
questions about xcode and the like, I'm all about it, and willing to pay
the tutoring,.
   Cara graciouslly showed me a few things, but I thinnk she is too busy at
this point, and I don't want to pester folks.


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