filfre seems to be one of the best interpreters I found.

On 10/9/2014 2:13 AM, shaun everiss wrote:
there were some, but to be honest while I did play some, I really couldn't have the game and solution open, I have brothers and other family some of them religious, and while I am sure they will not look and tamper with my affairs, they easily could, and since I want to keep my adult stuff private running that stuff actively on a house where there is people becides me in it on a public home network accessable by all is just not a good idea.
Suppose they walked in.
I think the site is I think.
To be honest I never found many of them that good.
I got bored quickly.
example f**k this that and the other.
lick this, feel that, walk round or simply sex and no exploration.
there are some semi adult games like aquila in tads 3 on the internet archive which at least have some semi plot, but I have gotten out of sex sex sex win type of games. Sadly due to the fact running a lot of the interpreters needs sapi or something unless its glulx which seems to work with nvda with an addon sort of, i have not played a good if game in a while.
Then again, I hardly have the time with all things going on in my life.
Tonight, once I am done with mail, and if I forego my coffee for the evening I have exactly 3.5 hours or less maybe 2.5 hours of free time.
I can probably do one of about a million things in that time.
so I need to choose, if games are low on the scale aif lower still.

At 02:48 p.m. 9/10/2014, you wrote:
hey I had a question for those of you more familiar with interactive fiction and z-machine games or frotz games. Back when they were popular did anyone ever make any adult x-rated I-F games? Because I imagine if any are accessible those would be accessible for us.

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