Hi Ishan,

Um...Your message is slightly confusing. There is no such word as
postporn. Did you perhaps mean postpone?

In any case when it comes to rides and attractions you need to be
realistic about how long it takes to build it. In real life a park
boss wouldn't say they want a ride built at such and such spot in the
park and it would instantly appear. It would take a week or so for the
construction crew to build the ride.

For example, let's assume you wanted to build a boat ride. The
construction crew would have to come in with heavy equipment and dig a
canal which would take a couple of days or so even with modern
equipment. Then they'd have to bring water in from somewhere and fill
the canal which would take quite a while in of itself. I'd assume the
there would be some scenery along the shoreline of the canal such as a
frontier town, perhaps a farm, etc which would take time to build as

The point being is that building and adding attractions isn't
instantaneous. It sounds like you are being impatient and thinking if
you add an attraction it should automatically appear and open without
a week or two to build it. Things don't work that way in real life and
they don't work that way in Park Boss.


On 12/7/14, ishan dhami <ishan1dha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi paul sir and thom sir also!
> I don't find my second answer yet.why an attraction which I put up
> postporn in next week
> Thanks
> Ishan

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