Again, it's a question of ideals.
if we had infinite time and resources, yes, certainly all audiogames that could would have readable subtitles, at least simplified graphics or similar, but pragmatically for a one or two person company that's just not possible to include all the time.

On the other hand, if a death person say asked for an otherwise text game which happened to use an audio alert for a couple of specific events to have a textual or visual one, that would not be an issue, or rather any developer who refused such would not be reasonable.

In the case of Valve and steam specifically though, they are a huge company and do! have the resources to make the basic steam interface accessible, html version would already work and it's not as if major companies don't make similar small adaptations for disabilities, eg, closed captioning for the deaf which now occurs in a lot of games.

Again though it's one of these cases of literal lack of visibility, publicity, education and any sort of dialogue, indeed that is why so frequently once you can! talk to the actual people who do the developing, any sort of access questions are fairly easy to sort out, (I'd imagine the same goes for pretty much any disabled access).

All the best,


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