Hi Josh, It can compile exe files from what I have read on the FAQ, and the author mentioned writing games, but I don't honestly see really complex games being designed. Especially, games where there are several game characters, weapons, etc involved like an rpg. One of the things I did not like about this simple language is it takes us right back to the bad old days of structured programming rather than object oriented programming. Why is that bad? Well, in structured programming generally speaking for every game character you created, weapon, etc had to have it's own variables. Even if they were placed in a struct, (structure,) they were not very safe as they were publically visible to the rest of the program, and risked being over written accidently. When object oriented design came out it simplified things for developers by arranging variables and functions according to classes, and were referenced by an object name.The end result was you could use the same variables over and over by creating a new instance of them, and there were greater protection involved since each variable, function, could be restricted to public, private, or protected status. I suppose I could go on and on about object oriented design verses structured design, but needless to say it is just better suited for writing games. You can refere to that game character, weapon, but a real object name, such as vader, skywalker, r2, leia, etc rather than a list of associated variables.
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