Hi Shaun,


1.  if sapi hasn't worked or is mangled somehow, and the user has no use for it 
otherwise then the user may have to fix it or something.

End quote

In my personal case I have rarely seen or heard of Sapi being so damaged 
it can't be effectively used. However, I would label this one as an 
issue as this can happen with any dependancy weather it is .NET, 
DirectX, and the files can be damaged and require reinstallation.
Bottom line, this is likely one of those end user issues where the end 
user installs incompatible software, and something like Sapi then gets 


2.  Unless said user has jaws8, zoomtext, or has got legally or otherwise the 
high quality voices he/she will not have a nice time.

End quote

True. However, generally speaking high quality voices don't cost that 
much in U.S. and U.K. currency. The Neospeech voices are something like 
$30 each over on Nextup which isn't too bad. I don't have a current 
price list for Scansoft, but if you buy the voices individually you can 
save money that way as well.
Another reason to think about technically speaking recording parts of 
the tts engine and using in a game violates those copyrights again. In 
this case I can avoid those legal restrictions by asking the end users 
to purchase a valid license for the voices they want, or I can become a 
reseller for those voices and have two price skales for the games.
A $30 version with no extra voices, and a $60 version with one high 
quality speech engine of my choosing.


You could do more things than a speech synth ever could.
End quote

No, that is actually the problem. Using wav files is very inflexable. If I want 
to create games with mission parsers, being scriptable, I'd have to use Sapi. I 
could not use wav files to handle custom changes in the name of ships, custom 
mission orders, etc...
Using wav files does slow the game down quite a bit just for the fact it is 
constantly opening and closing wav samples except those that are commonly 

being used. Those that are commonly used are stored in memory buffers 
which in turns gets and waistes memory.
I'm not a resource fanatic, but I don't like waisting memory and CPU 
speed either. The way Monty and STFC handles the system it is very 
waisteful of resources.If it has them it will use them, and waiste them 
on nothing more than speech where say a better audio environment could 
have been used instead.
One last point is using wav files I have never found a good way to do 
keyboard interupts etc. Sometimes it works, and some times not. A 
glaring issue is the STFC full status report. I love getting all that 
stuff read out, but I can't shut it up!!!! It does not work!!!

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