Hi Michael and all,
As I mentioned earlier I do respect your opinions, but I do disagree 
with them somewhat. It would be helpful if you could explain to everyone 
why you feel as you do. Opinions themselves aren't bad, but most of the 
time people would like to know the reason behind why you feel and think 
as you do. For example, explain why you feel writing a classic 
side-scroller is like going back to the dark ages. You could explain 
what you are comparing it to.
Just a general basis of knowing what it is being compared to will help. 
Are you comparing it to ultra modern FPS shooters for the sighted 
market? Are you comparing it to modern remakes of Montezuma's Revenge 
for sighted players? Are you comparing it to modern rpg games?
If you are comparing it to modern day sighted side-scrollers then go 
ahead and let me know what they have that Monty does not. If you are 
comparing it to FPS shooters, RPG, flight simulators, etc then we are 
talking about the difference between apples and oranges. They are not 
the same thing at all, and there is no reference of one to one 
comparison. It is kind of like asking, "is Sci-Fi books better than 
Romance? Is rock and roll better than Country or Wrap?"
 The answer to those kinds of questions is absolutely subjective, and 
depends totally on the end users taistes in reading and music material. 
In the same way comparing a FPS like SOD to Monty is a purely subjective 
thing, and they aren't even in the same style of game play. However, 
Monty and Super Liam are in the same style and can be compared directly 
to each other since they are both side-scrollers.

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