black cat?
Ken Downey

Coming soon,
Blind Comfort!
The pleasant way to get a massage--no staring, just caring.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 6:26 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Side-scrollers vs FPS games.

> Hi Niko.
> side scrollers are actually stil being developed, and some of them are
> pretty complex. I've already mentioned the veutiful Jo series, then there 
> is
> Mega man Zx for the nintendo Ds, Mega man Starforce, and Smash Brothers
> brawl coming out on the wii very soon.
> also, I repeat, complexity is independent of viewpoint.
> Not all side scrollers are simple marrio type affairs,  ----- take the
> Castlevania series. They started as basic run jump and hit monsters 
> (though
> stil with fairly complex vertical axis exploration), and ended up highly
> complex games that boarder on being rpg's with stats, magic spells, huge
> amounts of exploration etc.
> also, the space invaders games you mention are not actually side 
> scrollers,
> sinse they don't actually involve any exploration or scrolling. Classic 
> pipe
> is also not a side scroller for the same reason.
> The only side scrollers thus far ar Treasuremania, Superliam, Tarzan Jr, 
> and
> some sections of Pipe2. Danger city would have been had it been finished,
> but all these games do noT MAKE EXTENSIVE USE OF the vertical scrolling
> which main stream side scrollers have used from the beginning, this is why 
> i
> regard Monti as such an important step in audio game developement.
> FOR Fps GAMES there IS Packman talks, Dyna man, Shades of doom, Sarah,
> Technoshock, Monkey business, Quake (and obviously Jedi Quake), the symple
> game Black cat, and probably Gma tank commander as well (at least from a
> perspective point of view).
> I'm not saying I have anything against Fps games, and would certainly like
> to see more of them developed, just pointing out the imballence here.
> All the best,
> Dark.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Niko C" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
> Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 11:58 PM
> Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Side-scrollers vs FPS games.
>> Let me name a fiew side-scrollers:
>> Dark destroyer
>> Trupanum
>> Alian outback
>> (Which I don't even know if you can call those real side-scrollers.)
>> Super Liam
>> Danger City
>> Montizuma's Revenge
>> Parts of pipe2 blast chamber and clasic pipe.
>> Tarsan Jr.
>> FPS games:
>> shades of doom
>> gtc
>> quake
>> Really can't think of too many more
>> Monkey Business
>> Sara.
>> Yeah, that's pretty much it.
>> You all say we don't have enough side-scrolers. We need to get with the
>> picture. It's past the 1990s. Games need to be more complex. Noone makes
>> side-scrollers anymore. Sighted people don't buy them and neither would 
>> I.
>> Sure you see people find an old side-scroller and want to play it but
>> that's
>> not what sells on the shelves and I think that people need to realize 
>> that
>> a
>> quick and easy game isn't always the way to go.
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Dark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
>> Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 12:23 AM
>> Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Side-scrollers vs FPS games.
>>> Hi thom.
>>> while I can fully appreciate that people enjoy the 3D fps games (I'm
>>> quite
>>> a
>>> fan of Sarah and Shades myself), i do also think that it's very much
>>> worth
>>> exploring the accessibility of as wide a variety of game types as
>>> possible, ----- including the 2D platformer.
>>> while there are some great 3D fps audio games, ------ and hopefully, 
>>> with
>>> the Gma engine more on the way,     there aren't many 2D side scrolling
>>> platformers ------ only Superliam and Tarzan Jr come to mind, and while
>>> both
>>> are great games (Liam's voice acting is highly! amusing), I believe
>>> they've
>>> only scratched the surface of what's possible in audio 2D platformers,
>>> particularly with respect to the vertical axiss and exploration.
>>> It would deffinately imho be a good thing if as well as Monti, the likes
>>> of
>>> Mega man, Marrio, Castlevania and Prince of persia could be created in
>>> audio, ----- perhaps leading the way to creating some of the more
>>> complicated Y axiss games like Turrican or Metroid.
>>> You also mention double Dragon in the list, so perhaps your engine could
>>> also create 2D walk along beat em ups like Streets of rage, Final fight
>>> or
>>> Golden Axe, which is another game genre that hasn't yet been converted
>>> into
>>> audio.
>>> So personally, I'd advise going for the 2D game developement in the name
>>> of
>>> increased diversity, and bringing classics into audio, though as Charles
>>> says, if your engine could work both ways that'd be great, ----- though 
>>> I
>>> expect that would be a much more difficult proposition from a 
>>> programming
>>> point of view.
>>> Btw, I highly approve of your starwars game idea, it actually reminds me
>>> of
>>> the Super starwars games on the Snes, ----- some of my favourites. I
>>> particularly enjoyed the ability to use certain cheat codes so that I
>>> could
>>> do crazy things, such as taking out Darth Vader and the emperor with
>>> Wickit
>>> the E-wock or chuey, or having Han solo go through Yoda's training on
>>> Dagobar.
>>> Beware the grue!
>>> Dark.
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