Hi Jim.

One thing just occurred to me about new Baseball.

I remember the issues I had with not understanding the game rules due to 
being both not heavily sport-orientated and (more to the point), from 
England, not the us.

The Rules Phil posted to the list a while ago were quite helpful I found, 
but  to save people having to traul the net and search for such things, 
Perhaps You could enclude a set of rules into the game for people in a 
similar position who might play it in the future, ----- just as you do in 
the golf game.

You could even use Phil's rules file (I have a copy saved in text if that'd 
help), though perhaps some editing to take out aspects of baseball not 
supported in the game might help keep things brief.

Of course, if this would heavily increase the file size or cause significant 
trouble in the programming end of things, then never mind, there's always 
Wikipedia etc.

Beware the Grue!


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