Hello all,
I think rail racer has been out for amonth now. Unfortunately due to a few 
circumstances and setbacks which are pretty much irrelivant, I stopped playing 
a week or so after I bought it and never really got to start again. However, 
incase you guys aren't aware, Che has decided he's going to put it on hold 
because of sales not really being high enough and the overall demand for it not 
beig what it should. For those who haven't at least given this game a try or 
have stopped trying it because of computer conflicts, download a demo and if 
you are having problems, contact che and see if he can get you going! He's very 
accomidating and usually responds within 12-24 hours or sooner! This game is so 
customizable it's crazy. You've actually got to adjust things for certain 
situations on tracks, you can creat different tracks, you've got joystick and 
mouse support and the sounds are crisp, clear and the game plays smooth. Car 
and racing games really never have been my thing until audio games came out, 
just never really liked them, but I'd say I've spent quite a bit on this one, 
not enough time because I've had to swich comps and haven't gotten time to load 
it on, but I do plan to. I think we spend so much time at times complaining 
about what we don't have and looking for new things that we don't realize what 
we already do have. I'm not trying to criticize or flame anyone for not buying 
the game, if something isn't for you then it's just not, but at least give the 
demo an honest half hour of real trying before you decide it's not for you.
Unfortuantely, sound rts and agm have hit us at around the same time, so that's 
anotehr reason rr got pushed a bit to the side as well, but let's not forget 
about it! After this message I"m definitely gonna load it up and see about 
putting in a few rounds so that I won't be calling the kettle back *grins*
Take care you guys! Beware Dark's grew...
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