I thought long and hard on the random factor of the game...
to make the game run exactly on two computers..the random function ov VB6
could not be used.
I am considering letting the robot creation program create a file of random
numbers from 0 to 9.
Perhaps a list of 64, 128, or 256 numbers.
This sequential file of numbers would pull a number from the list each time
a random factor was required.
this will ensure both computers pull the same random number and react the
same on both systems.

This will not in any way be an arcade type game...it will be a strategy
game...a programming game.
Just like the programmers at NASA had to program those robots on mars to
react to conditions by themselves according to certain paramaters...so
willthis robot run its program.
I am considering making groups of commands that the user can cut and paste
into their robots programming.
a particulary good piece of code could be shared to other users.
I even considered making the program create encrypted financial dealing with
other users.
Say I sit down and make a kick-whoop-fantastic piece of offensive code..
and another player wishes my code.
I say I will sell you the code for 20 robot credits..and he says yes.
I cut and pasted the encrypted code into email to send to him.
He gets this code and then clicks on pay for the code.
another piece of encrytped code is created which he send to me.
I click on accept payment.
I get 20 robot credits from him..and I generate a passcode to send back to
him in another email.
He cuts and pastes this code into the program and he is debited the 20
credits and he gets full use of the code.

now one thing to consider..do I give him full use of the code?  to maybe
resell as his own?
or perhaps he can sell it but as I created the code I get 25% or 40% of his

This system has to be weighted so the programmers get their moneys worth for
the hard work they put into the design of good offensive or defensive code.


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