Imho, we need more racing games. USA raceway is coming out (which I can't 
wait for), but well, I don't know. I think it would rock if we could have a 
game where, well, I guess USA raceway would do that- but hmmm Damien, danger 
city sounds sweet. Its like those streets of rage games- so, I'd be more 
than willing to pay for that, and anyone who isn't- well, I guess that's not 
there cup of tea, which would suck. But that does suck majorly about your 
finanncial situation- and if things don't work out, I'd say collidge and 
living expenses first, then games, if you have extra cash- but we can't 
forget your personal things- maybe you want a new stario or some such...

Have a good day from Tyler C. Wood!

contact details:

skype: the_conman283

system details:
Hp pavillion dv5220CA notebook pc
AMD Turion(tm) 64 Mobile Technology ML-37 2.0 GHZ, 1024 mb DDR ram, Fujitsu 
100 gb 4500 RPM Hard Drive
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bryan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 3:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] X-Sight news

>I couldn't agree with you more about RPG's. It sounded as though BSC Games'
> Castle Quest was going to fit that bill but due to differences with their
> partner devs the game was scrapped.
> Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Kuvvosh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "'Gamers Discussion list'" <>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 1:41 PM
> Subject: Re: [Audyssey] X-Sight news
>> So true Thomas.
>> I own a business my self.  Yet, I don't even make enough to worry about 
>> my
>> benafits.  Also, I'm a Story Writer as well. Right now just working my 
>> way
>> up on becoming known, and hope to be pick up by a publisher, which I've
>> been
>> offered as of late.
>> I know my emails and such seems not in correct English and so forth, as I
>> don't really put much effort into correctness lol.
>> Any way.  Dameon ace fire seems a good game from Demo, yet, I know one
>> market that has yet to be even touched in the blind gaming world is a
>> Major
>> Role Playing game.  There isn't one other than the web based one, which
>> kind
>> of boring and so forth.  Last I heard Che was in the planning stages of a
>> game like this, yet I've not seen any news on the matter rather it's in
>> the
>> works now or still on paper.
>> I was looking into relearning programming, yet I just don't have much 
>> help
>> and picking it back up.  So I kind of dropped the programming world.  I
>> have
>> several story lines for RPGs that were some what in the works for a game,
>> but oh well.
>> I proposed a game to Dameon that he might want to look into making yet,
>> not
>> sure if it can be done in VB 6.0
>> Kuvvosh
>> -----Original Message-----
>> Behalf Of Thomas Ward
>> Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 2:16 PM
>> To: Gamers Discussion list
>> Subject: Re: [Audyssey] X-Sight news
>> Hello Damien,
>> Quote
>> Due to some information I received concerning X-Sight Interactive during
>> a meeting
>> with a college financial and business advisor, X-Sight may need to
>> close, at least
>> temporarily, until we can create more software that can be sold to make
>> enough money...
>> End quote
>> Well, first thing you really need to understand is there really is not a
>> lot of money to be made from selling accessible games. Some games sell
>> well because they are really good, in high demand, and some games don't
>> sell many copies at all. If you are trying to make a living off of
>> making accessible games it is not going to happen with the small market
>> we have. If you want to make a little extra money for a project then it
>> is possible, but keep in mind the government is going to make sure to
>> take it's cut, and you will be left with the remainder of what they
>> didn't take. So always see the money from making games as extra cash not
>> a living.
>> Quote
>> Currently, I am spending more money than I am earning, and certainly I
>> am earning
>> a lot less than my current disability benefits offer me.
>> End quote
>> That is an unacceptable situation in my opinion. If you are getting
>> behind, making less than you could be making, then you need to stop and
>> reexamine the situation, and find a way to balance your budget. If you
>> are spending more to make games then you are earning then you need to
>> stop spending until you have the cash to buy new sounds, music, etc for
>> your games.
>> The main priorities in your life should be your living expenses and
>> college expenses. Anything left over can be spend on making games for
>> sell or for  free. However, living expenses and college expenses must
>> come first.
>> Quote
>> The laws of my country state that if I am getting an income, I am no
>> longer entitled
>> to my benefits and I will indeed have to start paying taxes.
>> Additionally, if I am
>> self-employed, which is basically what I am, I would have to register as
>> an official
>> business which would cost more money to open up additional accounts and
>> make it legal.
>> End quote
>> Unfortunately, this is all too true. Any small or large company should
>> become incorperated, and have themselves recognized legally with the IRS
>> as a tax entity. Depending on what type of incorperation you choose
>> determines how your company is taxed, and how you will be taxed.
>> The minute you begin taking in income for X-Sight SSI will take away a
>> dollar for every two dollars you earn. Unfortunately, as I have found
>> out your incomes will fluctuate when you are self-employed and it is a
>> huge roller coaster with the SSI office which wants to be informed
>> everytime your income changes. Well, it is changing daily. In December
>> you might make $1200 but in January $100. Social security will try and
>> balance it out, but sometimes you might end up owing SSI money do to
>> some over payment or they will under pay you because your income is so
>> unstable. The Social Security office is very anal when it comes to
>> figuring out what they owe you, and unless you are good with keeping
>> financial records it is a good idea to watchout because Social Security
>> is not aposed to putting the screws to you if they believe you have made
>> more than you actually did.
>> Quote
>> I am still open to suggestions for the time being, even if the
>> majority's decision
>> means just me developing freeware with minimum purchases on my part,
>> then that's
>> what I'll do, but that also means less advanced features in my software.
>> End quote
>> Honestly designing freeware games for now is your best option. Unless
>> you have some sort of stable income where you can live independant from
>> SSI it is not worth it to sell games and live on SSI at the same time
>> unless your games are making enough to make the hastle worth while.
>> One final note I think you are pretty disappointed that Acefire didn't
>> do as well as you thought it might have. Part of it is the size of the
>> community, and part might be the game hasn't lived up to gamers
>> expectations. Even mainstream companies have problems of spending a lot
>> of money getting a game to market and having it flop.
>> For example, a  few years ago Micro Pros released the latest Top Gun
>> game, Top Gun Hornet's Nest, with high expectations. After it was
>> released the game was a major  flop. Despite putting loads of money into
>> the project, having the Top Gun name, getting acters for the parts, etc
>> the game flopped. There are several reasons from technical issues to
>> poor graphics that led to the games demise, but it wasn't the first or
>> last game to flop financially.
>> What I am trying to say is that some games seam to do well like, Tank
>> Commander, because there are a lot of blind gamers interested in that
>> type of game. Something like Acefire might not be as well liked, and
>> thus doesn't earn the same kind of money as a competing product. If you
>> really want to make money then you really have to try and design a
>> competing product that might sell well, but you won't know how well it
>> does until you start taking orders.
>> Hth.
>> ---
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