Hi Dark,
Well, if gamers on this list are interested in a Lonewolf style Trek 
game instead of a full real time strategy game I would certainly do it. 
Making a Lonewolf style game isn't too hard to do. It is actually 
infinitly easier in the long run.
Instead of programming for 5 or 10 starships all i have to focus on is 
one ship. That would of course allow me to add more detail to that one 
ship adding more advanced features with damage control, weapons, 
restocking, autopilot system, etc. In fact, now that you mention it it 
is an all around better idea.
I could in theory moddle STFC 2 around a GMA Tank Commander style of 
play where you are given your mission orders, and then you enter some 
sector of space to investigate something or stop some enemy vessel.
However, as for a Lonewolf style mission parcer I can't really do that. 
All of my future games are going to be using pre-recorded speech like 
GTC so like GTC all missions will have to be added by the developer and 
not externally by end users. I'm sorry, but I won't pay $499 for a 
license for the Java Sapi 5 development kit just to have a mission 
parcer in a free game.
As for modding Lonewolf I would not touch that with a 10 foot poll. 
Besides the copyright violations of converting Lonewolf in to a Trek 
game the engine itself would never operate correctly even if you did. 
There are too many differences between Star Trek starships and real 
naval vessels. Wepondry being one of them.
For example, on STNG the enterprise NCC 1701-D comes equipped with the 
following armourments. The Enterprise has 13 Type-X phaser emitters each 
with 5.1 Megawatts of throughput. In addition to phasers the Enterprise 
carries a maximum of 250 photon torpedoes that may be fired in groups of 
5 to 20 per shot, or fired in single bursts. The Enterprise carries the 
standard Starfleet shield generators with a maximum output of 2026 
gigawatts of resistance. Like all vessels the Enterprise caries 9 deep 
space probes which may be used for reconicense operations or can be 
converted into 9 additional photon torpedoes in emergency situations.
As you can see just by reviewing the armourment specs the Lonewolf 
submarine doesn't even come close to matching up with the Enterprise's 
true weapons. The Enterprise 1701-E seen in Startrek 8, 9, 10 is even 
more powerful since it was designed to fight the Borg.

Dark wrote:
> Indeed yes Tom, I'd love a single starship commanding game, in fact I'd 
> personally rather go for that than the real time stfc as well (especially if 
> it was possible to have user created missions as in lw).
> Obviously, even if you replaced all the lw sounds with trek ones, the game 
> would stil not exactly be a trek game because of the game's output to you, 
> and the game features specific to submarine combat, such as depth charges, 
> surfacing, balast etc. to take a basic example, even if you replaced the 
> deazel sub engine sound with a warp engine, you'd stil have your speed 
> reported in nots, and stil get messages about deazel fuel etc.
> i just wondered if it might be possible to both cut down the work for you, 
> and take advantage of lw's great features, ---- such as the mission parza 
> and detailed movement and targiting mechanics to create a trek game, but 
> somehow also rewrite the bits of gameplay that wouldn't fit on a starship, 
> as well as obviously modding all the sounds.
> As I said though, I'd expect monkeying about with David greenwood's code 
> goes against copywrite, even if it would be easier than writing the game 
> yourself from scratch.
> Beware the Grue!
> Dark.

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