Hello all,
I wasn't going to put my two sense in but have decided to.  For you people
to force Thomas to do something that is mentally and physically draining him
is absolutely selfish. 
I don't think you people even realize how complicated the task Thomas took
on really is.  To have to try and look at someone elses code and try to
figure out what he or she was thinking is hard enough on its own.  Then to
have to recode it because the language the first person used was out of date
and not really supported is extremely difficult.  Its people like you that
make programmers throw up their hands in disgust and give up.  We ought to
be thanking God everyday for people like Thomas who are willing to produce
very good games sso we can have them.  We are a very small community and
instead of moaning and groaning about everything we should be showing are
support to the developers so they will continue to produce games for us to

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Thomas Ward
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 5:55 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: [Audyssey] Side-scroller consessions.

Hello gamers,
In light of the several emails on and off list to me about my decision to
create a 3D FPS game verses a side-scroller I feel I have no choice but to
do as everyone asks. For those gamers bound and determined to have a
side-scroller do or die what I will do is go back to James North's original
plans and put out some kind of game along the Montezuma's Revenge lines. I
will restore Arizona Smith to the game, and do whatever it takes to just get
the fricking game completed and out of my life.  Since you want the game
James North was creating you will get it just as James had planned it. No
more no less.
As for those interested in the 3D FPS version of Mysteries Of the Aztecs I
am still interested in creating this game, but obviously I will put it in
the things to do pile down the road.
Finally, I have one last thing to say to this community before I sign off. I
am really disappointed in those of you who have made such a fuss and an
issue over this. I try very hard to produce good and high quality games. I
even want to go above and beyond the norm by trying things that have never
been done before by an accessible game developer. All I get in return is a
lot of grief and misery for my effort. From this time forward I will
complete your games you got from James North as advertised, but it comes at
a price.
Before today I use to take polls, gather suggestions from end users, and use
to gather your ideas to put into my games. I was always very open about my
thoughts, plans, ideas, etc. However, that has been shattered. 
 From now on when I create games I plan to be more or less quiet about my
plans, new game ideas, and end user suggestions will be selectively used at
my descression. I see now running polls like the one about weather to make a
FPS or a side-scroller was a horrible mistake as it is being used to force
me to do something I really do not want to do. If it was the poll alone i
wouldn't mind so much, but since the majority of those were paid customers I
am between the rock and the hard place. 
Neither option is exactly a great place to be from where I sit, but your
demands to force me into this decision only makes it harder to enjoy making
accessible games. I can tell you right now I will create the side-scroller,
but the next few months are going to be purgatory, slavery, whatever you
want to call it.
Being the victem of this communities backlash I can tell you why James North
became dispondant and left this community in the manner he did. 
All we developers hear is give me, give me, give me, I want, I want, I want,
regardless of how the developer feels or thinks about the matter. 
Apparently developers aren't allowed to have lives or desires of their own
and must soully entertain the blind gamers out there for their every whim.
If I ever create a game for this community after these two games are
completed you will be pretty darn lucky. i am sick of the stress and grief
you put me through.

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