If I can figure out what you posted, maybe I can point out the flaws. 
Here's what you sent, just as you sent it, with my responses.

hi well thanks to sarah and michael moaning as per usula, we now
have to have a side scroller, which the dveloper, clearly, does not
want to make. just be grateful with your six levels and where's your
game michael eh?
You moan at tom where's your two, three four five years ago you said
you were making it, where is it?

My response:  Are you referring the the game that Michael had in mind and 
had started to create?  If you are, I suggest you search the back issues of 
Audyssey magazine.  Gradually, issue by issue, your answer is there, from 
Michael's point of vies.  Also note that he had not accepted any money for 
his upcoming game.  He had ideas, he started working on them, and he found 
what he was going to be encountering.  He expressed, quite well, his 
feelings as time progressed.  There is no really honest comparison between 
his decision on game production and that of Thomas Ward in this case.

You continue:

i expect to see a side scroller out from you next year. You try doing
that michael with family commitments and if your heart wasn't in it
see how you feel.

My response?  See above.

You continue:

 you moaners disgust me to be honest, if i were
thomas i'd jsut forget you lot and make what i want, i if i were him,
am the game dveloper certainly not yu, and yes you paid for a side
scroller, but the direction the game is taking is much better.

My response:  Proofread and spell check your messages.  This was horrible! 
This may be a better game, but it is totally different than what we have 
been waiting for for so long.  Very recently, this was planned as a future 
game in a series, and the expected, paid for, and anticipated game was to 
have been the first, and I don't see why that plan should not be followed, 
other than burnout on the part of the developer.  Maybe it's sort of like 
when running a marathon.  There is, for some people, an imaginary wall that 
is very difficult to pass beyond, but once they persistively push on through 
the barrier, they're through.  They conquer the blockage.  What a relief to 
be done with it, finally!  It's over!  Now, I can move on to bigger and 
better things!  I think that is what he should do on behalf of his 
customers.  I'm thinking that he has acquired new potential buyers by taking 
on both what were Montezuma's Revenge and ESP Raceway, and these will become 
paying customers as time goes on.  I think that it will be better, in the 
long run, to give gamers what they want before providing us with what he has 
in mind for the future.  After seeing someone produce a good product, you're 
more apt to continuing support by buying future games because of honesty, 
integrety, fortitude, and willingness to please customers.

You continue:

honestly you lot moan when a game is too easy then moan we don't ahve
complex games
for god sake get a life and start making your own games, side
scrollers and all to those few hwo are moaning

I respond:

I never moan because a game is too easy or too hard.  Some games are very 
easy to play, yet hard to win.  The current game is easy on the easy 
difficulty, and more difficult as the skill level is increased.  That's why 
the skill levels are there.  I have never completed Shades of Doom.  Not 
because it is too hard, but because I just haven't spent the time taken to 
really work at beating it.  Change Reaction is an easy game to play, yet 
frustrating.  Monkey Business is a hard game to beat for me, as is Aliens in 
the Outback.  I like all of these games, not because they are hard to beat, 
but because they are fun.  A side scroller is easy to navigate, but it does 
not have to be too easily beaten.  Even if the easiest level is easy to 
defeat, it does give you the satisfaction of winning, and I enjoy playing 
Troopanum2 on the easiest mission on the easiest level just so I win once in 
a while.  It is fun.  As for asking why we don't go ahead and make our own 
games, I ask how many games you have made available to us?  Are there games 
you would like to see made available?  If so, I await your product.  If 
there are games you would like to see that aren't out there, why haven't you 
created them?  Put your games where your posts are.  Don't complain that we 
should not complain and that we should make our own games until you have 
done so, so that you can speak from experience.

You continue:

wanna kick me off? fine. but why everyone is slating thomas i don't
know. if he were james north, ok fine, we all know the affects of
that, but thomas is only doing what he feels is right towards people
and more importantly, himself.

I respond:

I have no idea what you're trying to say in the first part of this.  But 
Thomas is not doing what is right for the people who expect to get what was 
to be made.  Sure, it's important for him to do what he feels is good, what 
will be quality, what will be fun, and what he wants to create.  However, 
having undertaken a task of producing a finished product based on someone 
else's work, he should see it through.  The copyright issues were a major 
setback.  However, he continued after that point.  Even though modifications 
must be made, and the characters name as well as the game's name and layout 
have to be changed, I think it should be finished.  Thanks.

Laughter is the best medicine.  Look around you and find a dose.

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