USA Games News

July 25, 2008


Hello everyone, and welcome to the July issue of the USA Games news 
letter. As always I hope to bring everyone up to the latest news we have 
available at this time.
Before I can get into the real news for this month I must confess I have 
been suffering a lot of turmoil in my personal and professional life. 
Worse there has been little I can do to deal with the situation I am 
faced with, and USA Games has suffered as well. With this in mind I 
haven’t had much time or energy to devote to any of our products like 
Raceway, STFC 2.0, etc.At this point it doesn’t look like anything will 
return to normal until mid August or early September if I am lucky.
Back on April 23 of this year my wife and I were forced to move out of 
our apartment building while our apartment management had contractors 
come in and renovate our apartment building. As a part of the new 
renovations we are getting a completely new kitchen, bath room, new 
doors, updated electrical outlets, you name it. Unfortunately, instead 
of doing one apartment at a time or at least one apartment building at a 
time they do a little here and a little there. As a result a project we 
expected to be over in a month has so far lasted a total of three 
months, and we don’t have any clue as to when these contractors will 
complete the renovations. Though, the contract dead line was suppose to 
be September for all the apartment buildings so my wife and I are hoping 
that they will have everything done then.
As a side effect of all the renovations being done to our apartment I 
don’t currently have access to my home office network. Like anyone else 
in business all of my primary records, documentation, notes, whatever is 
stored on a Linux desktop PC I use as a file server which is currently 
disassembled. In fact, my entire office network is disassembled and  I 
have no access to any of the materials on those computers at home.
The only bright spot in all of this is I do have one of my laptops with 
me, a Compaq Presario C500 series notebook, which does allow me to get 
on the net, read my email, and do some programming. The problem is when 
I left home I was ill prepared for an extended stay and my in-laws 
house. If I wanted to look up some notes for a project I am working on I 
needed my notes which happens to be on my central file server which is 
down. If I want to use some code I wrote six months ago that is on that 
file server I can’t access it. If I want to look for a certain sound 
effect I know I have, that isn’t on my laptop, again it is on the file 
server or backed up on a disk which I can’t currently access. In short, 
I don’t have everything I need with me, and I don’t know when it will be 
before I can access those materials.
Weather we like it or not USA games has been essentially closed until we 
can get settled back in our home, I can get my home office back in 
working order, and we don’t have continued disruptions from the 
contractors renovating this or that. There is not  a whole lot I or 
anyone else can do until the contractors have completed all the 
renovations that need to be done before we can move back in. the 
situation frankly stinks, but it is out of our control for the moment.
With all that said there is a little good news that we would like to 
share with you which we have been working on during our untimely exile. 
This new development may well change the way USA games handles the 
development of our products and open up new markets with Mac OS and 
Linux specific users as well. We are very happy about our recent 
research. So read on to get the scoop.

Multiplatform Gaming

Like many others out there I have slowly been moving away from 
traditional Windows based PC software, and have been moving towards 
applications made for Mac and Linux. Thanks to Section 508, which was 
passed in the United States in 2001, accessibility has drastically 
improved for the Mac and Linux operating systems. Both operating systems 
ship with built in screen reading, magnification, and Braille reading 
software that  normally costs the average Windows PC user hundreds of 
dollars to own and upgrade. If a blind computer user owns a Mac or Linux 
system the screen reader and magnification software is free.
The free screen reader and magnification software isn’t the only bonuses 
to using an operating system such as Ubuntu Linux 8.04. A Linux user can 
download and use several free high quality applications such as Open 
Office 2.4, Mozilla firefox 3.0, Pigeon Instant messenger, Evolution 
Email/calendar client, and more. Many of these applications are now 
accessible out of the box, and work very well with the built in Orca 
screen reader/magnifier software that ships with Linux. As a result of 
all these accessibility improvements Windows is no longer the only 
option for a blind computer user. We have a choice between using a Mac 
with Mac OS Leopard, a PC running Ubuntu Linux 8.04, or a Pc running 
Windows Vista.
However, like a lot of our sighted counterparts, many blind computer 
users do like to play games in our free time. Unfortunately the majority 
of accessible games have been specifically designed for Microsoft 
Windows only. Like many mainstream game developers most blind game 
programmers don’t want to learn new programming languages, find new 
development tools, and learn new software development kits in order to 
write games for Mac and Linux. Fortunately, USA games has just finished 
some research that may make this much easier for the average blind game 
developer to make games that will run smoothly on Mac OS, windows, and 
Linux without a lot of changes in the game’s source code.
Very recently I have downloaded the SDK for that is specifically 
designed for Visual Basic 2005 and C-sharp 2005 developers. SDL is a 
cross platform game development API similar to Microsoft’s DirectX API. 
SDL is a core API for Mac OS Leopard and Ubuntu Linux 8.04, and there is 
an easy install for Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, and vista. With 
and the open source .Net framework, mono, games can easily be written in 
Visual basic or C-Sharp, and then run on systems running Mac OS, Linux, 
windows, and any other operating system with mono and SDL installed.
During our testing of we found the API should be pretty decent 
for the game developer wishing to create side-scrollers, arcade games, 
board games, etc. the sDL Mixer features are good enough for most 
practical uses, but does seam to lack full 3D audio which is really the 
only drawback I have found to using SDL instead of DirectX. In addition, does support joysticks, mice, and keyboards so there is a 
universal way to handle all of these devices on every operating system 
out there without too much hassle for the game developer. Finally, since 
I have written the majority of my games in Visual C# 2005  I won’t have 
to rewrite all of my games from scratch in order to make them 
multiplatform compatible. I merely have to rewrite the sections of code 
that currently use DirectX and replace it with SDL. That is thankfully a 
process that may take weeks instead of months to accomplish.
In order to insure full cross platform accessibility we have decided to 
officially drop Sapi 5.x support in all of our new titles. Instead we 
will use prerecorded wav files to speak game messages like Draconis 
Entertainment, GMA Games, PCS Games, etc are already doing in their game 
products. This really is the only practical way for doing speech on 
several different platforms without having to write a new text to speech 
interface to support Sapi, Gnome-Speech, and Apple speech drivers all at 
once. Each operating system has its own way for handling text to speech 
output, and often it is like comparing apples to oranges. So we feel 
creating our own sudo speech system is the best way to do this effectively.
In our research we did a bench mark test between the built in Java 
Javax.Sampled.Sound API and the SDL Mixer API and SDL with C# was much 
more processor efficient in loading and unloading sampled wav file data. 
What this means is something that would be much more processor intensive 
like using prerecorded speech was much smoother using C# with SDL than 
using Java with its own built in sound mixer API. So this too is a good 
reason to go the SDL route.
In the end we added up all the reasons to drop DirectX and Sapi and have 
discovered it is worth the effort to go to SDL for all of our new game 
titles. Yes, there will be some drawbacks to switching to the new 
technology such as we won’t be able to use force feedback controllers, 
but those are problematic anyway with Microsoft’s DirectInput and .Net 
Framework languages. SDL doesn’t have native 3d audio support, but it 
can be added by writing a custom 3D processor that adjusts the SDL 
volume and panning controls. This might require some additional research 
and experimentation, but it looks like it should be easy enough to do.
Mysteries of the Aztecs
(formerly Montezuma’s Revenge)

Over the passed month or so there have been a number of you requesting 
information about this title from our sales department. We would like to 
publicly state I certainly have not forgotten you. As someone who has 
taken money for a product you have not yet received we do think you have 
a right to know what we are doing in regards to this product
Over the passed few weeks I have been rereading all of James North’s 
original development notes for Montezuma’s Revenge, and in many respects 
it was going to be quite a bit different from the classic side-scroller 
for the Atari Entertainment System. We now know, a little too late, he 
was probably not sticking to a completely identical product to avoid 
copyright issues with the original companies who produced that game. It 
was basically Montezuma’s Revenge in name only, but did have a similar 
style of game play. In all not a bad rough draft of the game concept.
So what we plan to do is follow James North’s original development logs 
and notes as a basic format of the new game. It is similar enough to 
Montezuma’s Revenge to make it as fun as the original game, and 
different enough to avoid any copyright entanglements. It also is the 
game you would have gotten if you had gotten it from Alchemy instead of 
USA Games. We feel this is the most fair solution to the issue of 
weather or not we should give you what you paid for verses our own 
desire to write something totally new.
As mentioned in our previous article above MOTA is going to now use SDL 
instead of Microsoft’s DirectX. This is going to take a little while to 
update the side-scroller engine since it was not designed with cross 
platform considerations in mind. We hope to have a new Alpha ready for 
our beta testers by fall if everything goes to plan, and a new demo 
ready for Christmas. However, this is only projections, and not a 
guaranteed release time frame given our rather unique living 
arrangements and work schedule.

Final Conflict

One of the games we are currently working on in our free time is the 
long awaited STFC II. The new version of STFC is going to be more along 
the lines of the Star Trek Next Generation television series. There is 
still going to be the typical rogue Klingons, Romulans, and Cardassians 
but we have decided to base all of the Federation ships and stations on 
the Galaxy-Class starships and the starbases seen in that television 
series. There are several reasons as to why we decided to use STNG as 
our basis for the new game, but the main one is problems encountered in 
developing STFC 1.x and the U.S.S. Defiant.
Another reason we decided to stick to a more traditional Star Trek 
strategy game is it is much easier to use starships that are very 
similar than trying to create several different types of starships and 
starbases in one game. It is easier  to program, the work can get done 
quicker, and in our home testing the game is in many ways more 
challenging. Without Defiant’s very useful cloaking device there is 
really no way to run and hide from enemy starships. You also can’t sneak 
up and attack an enemy starship or starbase without being detected in 
advance. This is arguably much harder to do now.
That said,  we are thinking up new ways to strategically hide your 
starships from enemies. One way is to add nebulas and asteroid fields to 
the game were you might be able to hide your starships. You might be 
able to hide one or two ships in a nebula where you might ambush an 
enemy fleet from your hidden position when they pass by. If you are 
damaged drawing an enemy fleet into a nebula would make their weapons 
and sensors less effective, and may allow you to give them the slip. As 
I said it offers a new range of strategic possibilities neither STFC or 
Trek 2000 currently offers the gamer.
Another new feature we are introducing in STFC is the ability to evade 
fire while under attack. In the newest version of STFC there will be 
times when you fire upon an enemy or an enemy fires on one of your 
starships and the ship will be able to evade the attack. As a result 
attacks can take longer than one or two moves to complete thus making 
the out come of the battle much more unpredictable.
One of the very best features of STFC II is an actual primary hull. In 
STFC 1.2 if your shields dropped below 0 that ship was dead. Now, if you 
lose primary shielding you won’t be destroyed. Instead your starship 
will sustain heavy damage to the primary hull. If you doc with a 
starbase your starbase crews will be able to repair damage done to your 
hull, but it will take several moves to complete. This will make the 
games much longer to play, and gives all ships and stations in the games 
a better than average chance to survive.
Finally, one new feature I personally find exciting is the ability to 
rebuild destroyed starships lost in combat. Assuming you still have the 
use of your shipyards you can reconstruct any starship that was 
destroyed in combat, but it will take several moves to complete. As a 
result of this your primary objective in the new version of STFC is to 
destroy all of the enemy shipyards in order to cut off their ability to 
construct new ships and stations. If you are unable to do this 
effectively you are going to be quickly overwhelmed with enemy forces 
and be destroyed. This is a whole new strategic element that will 
improve the game’s replay value and more worries for the would be fleet 
commander. On the upside you should not have to worry about running out 
of ships and torpedoes as long as you can keep your starbases and 
shipyards alive to do their jobs.

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