
I extremely doubt it. For a couple of very good reasons.

First, companies, Hasbro included, usually aren't too receptive when someone comes along asking for accessibility features. Especially, when those accessibility features will cost them lots of time and development. What you are in a sense asking them to do is throw away the product they have spent x amount of time and money researching and developing, rewrite the new firmware for that unit with text to speech support, create a new rom, and then sell an all new accessible version. Unless there is a really compelling reason to do so they are likely to tell you "forget it!"

As far as someone else doing it that's just not likely either. I'm a skilled programmer, I assume they wrote the firmware in C++, have a vague idea how they created the trivia game, but the firmware is likely stored on a rom chip. In order to make this little unit talk I would have to create my own firmware for the unit, from scratch I might add, create a new rom chip, and replace the existing one with my own rom. This is some serious hardware and software engineering we are talking about. Nothing as simple or straight forward as installing Jaws or Window Eyes on your computer to make it talk. Totally new and different ball game here.


we are talking about.

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