Yep. Lots of email to go through in one evening.

Best Regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: gamers-boun...@audyssey.org [mailto:gamers-boun...@audyssey.org] On
Behalf Of Hayden Presley
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2010 9:51 PM
To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] game difficulties was Re: best side scroller? -
Re:Q9 version 1.2.

Hi Clement,
Good points, all of them. I see your point.

Best Regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: gamers-boun...@audyssey.org [mailto:gamers-boun...@audyssey.org] On
Behalf Of Yohandy
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2010 9:44 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] game difficulties was Re: best side scroller? -
Re:Q9 version 1.2.

I certainly understand where you're coming from, but if the game's too 
difficult, it gets to a point where your fastest reflexes won't help you out

for long. Since Q9 is Philip's most recent game, let's use it as an 
example.You set game to insane and start walking around. at some point 
during the game a rhino, and about 5 other animals come galloping at you at 
full speed. what do we do in that situation? we can't kill them all without 
taking massive damage in the process, and since there's no way of dodging we

can't attack them on mass, and hope to survive anyhow. so they all attack at

once and we die within 10 seconds. In this situation you could say well jump

away from them. We could do that, but what if there's a pit behind us? Also 
remember Q9 enemies follow you indefinitely once they see you so are we just

gonna run all the way back to the beginning of the level, at which point 
we'll be trapped regardless? . if we jump forward and over them somehow, 
only thing that'll happen is we'll have another pile of enemies from that 
side added to our current predicament all ganging up on us. I don't find a 
difficulty like that fun or challenging, I find it extremely frustrating. 
Console games have a balance between the easiest and hardest difficulties 
that stays constant, and also within the realm of possibility to complete. 
even games that are extremely difficult and almost impossible to beat have a

multiplayer option, or a way to get health items, or some such feature 
that'll spread, or lessen the burden of completing the game and that won't 
lead to frustration for the player for the next 3 years. I think if 
developers are going to put an extremely hard difficulty, they need to test 
it out or at least have a team that's good enough at the particular title to

test it for them, and complete the game first to make 100% certain it's 
doable. Don't just put it out there without the slightest clue whether 
someone will ever be able to complete it. If I had the programming skills, I

could make a game that has a difficulty setting with 350 creatures moving at

55mph and all attacking simultaneously in 3d space, but I know no one will 
ever complete such a game. and if no one can beat it and brag about it, then

what would be the point? the clue's in the name guys. It's called game 
difficulty setting, not game impossibility setting. or unbeatable game 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Hayden Presley" <hdpres...@hotmail.com>
To: "'Gamers Discussion list'" <gamers@audyssey.org>
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2010 10:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] game difficulties was Re: best side scroller? - 
Re:Q9 version 1.2.

> Hi,
> That's a two-sided coin. On one hand I can see how you can be a bit
> exasperated with that (like I said, I do think Tarzan Junior is just a bit
> too hard). But on the other hand, it becomes a matter of challenge, of
> saying, "Ok,I made it to the Cave World Level 3, how far will I make it
> today?" See where I'm going? But as I said, I do agree with you as well.
> Best Regards,
> Hayden
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gamers-boun...@audyssey.org [mailto:gamers-boun...@audyssey.org] On
> Behalf Of Yohandy
> Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2010 9:06 PM
> To: Gamers Discussion list
> Subject: [Audyssey] game difficulties was Re: best side scroller? - Re: Q9
> version 1.2.
> Dark, Here's the problem though. Has anyone actually completed any of
> Philip's games on insane, beta team included? If yes then I congratulate 
> you
> for a job well done, but if not, we have a problem. especially since some 
> of
> his games have been out for a really long time. If people can't beat games
> that have been out for years, This suggests to me that the game is almost
> unbeatable. In that case, what would be the point of a difficulty so hard
> that no one can beat? how about his recent games? can any of you claim
> you've beaten Q9 on insane?

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