hello David.
I'm interested to try your stratogy game, also because I am a memeber of the
audiogames.net staff, I can put it on our database to make it more well
known as an accessible game.
However, I do have a coupl.e of questions.
firstly, your quick walkthrough and sample list in the help documents
mentions nothing of the E-mail client or textual interface, it gives all
instructions entirely with reference to screen shots in the graphical
Would it be possible to see some sample turns of a game? that way we would
most easily be able to determine any access issues which may come up,
without having to inconvenience other players.
currently for instance, i'm uncertain of what the review of the galactic
map, what worlds you own and where your fleets and ships and your opponents
are would look like in text.
Obviously, to be able to play on an equal footing the text review of this
information must be equally comprehensive and as good at providing an
as Sarah has said, there are virtually no games like this online, indeed the
only manufacturer of them I found used complex html and graphic turn maps
and thus proved entirely inaccessible (not to mention a rather complex way
of submitting turn orders), so I deffinately see the advantage here.
all the best,
administrator, www.audiogames.net
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Rose" <drokaudysseygam...@ddrose.com>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <gamers@audyssey.org>
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 2:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] RSW strategy game
Hi Zack,
I think my earlier response to your message must have gotten lost--my
responses to other people on this list have finally shown up, but not this
one. Odd. Maybe I replied using the wrong email address. Well, here it
is again.
Great, I'm looking forward to hearing about your experience! The complete
game rules are available online via HTML, or as a downloadable PDF
file--is one of these forms easier to read than the other? It occurs to
me now that neither form is available via the email interface, but I could
correct this. I could also provide it as a single one-page HTML file, and
I could probably convert it to plain text as well.
As to how I came to this list, well, I did seek it out. I was listing the
features of RSW that make it uniquely different from all of the other free
games on the web, and one of them that came to mind was its (at least
theoretical) accessibility due to its nature.
On 7/22/64 11:59 AM, Zachary Kline wrote:
I've just signed up for my first game. I'm eager to see how it turns
out, and will pass along any accessibility suggestions if I feel they're
warranted. This sort of game is right up my alley, so I'm looking
forward to the challenge.
Out of interest, how did you stumble upon this list? It's rare for
sighted people to pop up out of the woodwork, as it were.
All the best,
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