Another thought is that, according to wickanism, a "spell" is simply a prayer to god, but done in a symbolic fashion rather than simply sitting down and speaking it.

One wickan lady i met said a spell could be as simple as pouring your troubles into a cup of water and pouring them away to ask god to remove them.

Certainly nothing maligne there, in fact quite the opposite sinse she's doing exactly what Catholics do when looking through the rosery, just with slightly different symbols.

I actually felt rather sorry for her, and for other wickans sinse they recieve a lot of bad press from some very unpleasant narrow minded people simply because of popular myth.

As for the idea of something in fantasy literature being wrong or demonic, I find that very hard to believe, especially sinse the founder of modern Fantasy, tolkien himself was a very confirmed christian and indeed much like C s lewis his christian thinking had a deffinite effect on the world he created.

Myself I'd worry far more about people who ban books specifically on content without reading or considdering them them than people who write stories containing a certain subject matter.

I certainly know which type of people have caused more evil in the world in the past.

Beware the grue!


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