Also, here's another thing to ask any Church member who is against, let's say, the Harry Potter series. Two questions: 1. Have you, yourself, read any of the books? 2: What is more important. The message or the method of conveyance? I know some people who are dead set against rock music. I have asked them, what about Christian rock? They are against it because it is rock music. So I tell them that they are narrow minded because they are not listening to Christian music, but are focusing on the method used to deliver the message. Jesus would never do such a thing. When he wanted to get a message across to drunks, what did he do? He went among them. Was Jesus a drunk? Of course not. He drank with them, though, didn't he?

I have been told that if Christians see me drinking a beer in a bar, they will assume that I am a drunk. I have pointed out this situation: In Phoenix, Arizona during the summer, the temperature can reach 118 degrees in the afternoon. On the way home, I hear music coming from within a bar. I am thirsty, so I go in and order a beer. Now, if people see me drinking that beer, and they assume that I am a drunk, they are the one doing wrong, not me. They are assuming what is not true. I finish my beer, get up, and walk the rest of the way home. I did not sin by being a lush. I merely cured my thirst with a tasty drink of beer.

Laughter is the best medicine, so look around, find a dose and take it to heart. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Thomas Ward" <>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2011 6:52 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] sincere request to phil

HI Charles,

Well said. I couldn't have said it better myself. I mean some of these
religious types need to just need to relax and look at things
rationally. They also need to draw a line between  harmless make
believe and reality.

I too have been harped on by religious types about alcohol, but they
clearly don't know what they are talking about. I'm not a drunk, an
alcoholic, and I have a glass of beer or wine once and a while and
that doesn't make me into a drunk by any means. Yet there are people
who constantly tell me I'm going to hell because of it. That's just
stupidity talking.

I could talk about my choice in music, the games I play, what I drink,
the way I whare my hair, and some religious person will have something
to complain about. So I don't worry about it. All I care about is my
own personal relationship with God, and let him decide if what I'm
doing is right, wrong, or otherwise. Everyone else can go jump in a
lake if they don't like it.

On 2/27/11, Charles Rivard <> wrote:
What are your own personal beliefs about playing games?  Those are more
important then the beliefs of an intolerant Church that bases all games on a single aspect that may or may not be the main theme of the game. The same goes for books. I base my beliefs of a book on what I have read rather than
what I have been told by others about the book.

In the case of Sarah, do you believe that Phil wants anything to do with
anything against God, or that he wants others to stray from God?  When
deciding to play a game or not, I think it is more important to base my
beliefs of a game's merit on how the game affects me.  If it causes me to
become a violent person, if it changes my character, if it changes how I
deal with others, then I should not play that game.

When I was a kid, the church I attended did not believe in the use of cards in games. They believed that playing cards would lead to gambling and was a sin. I did not believe it. I am not a gambler to this day. They also did not believe in dancing because it would lead to sinful behavior. They felt
the same about drinking alcoholic beverages.  I have done all 3 of these
things.  I am a Christian.  I am not an alcoholic, I do not partake in
sinful behavior with women, and I do not gamble. What matters is what you do with what is presented to you, not the material itself. If you allow it
to affect you in a nonChristian way, it is not the fault of the game, the
beer, or the women. It is the fault of you. I am adult enough to know the difference between reality and make believe, and I do not allow one to creep into the other. Phil's game is a game, and nothing more. Shades of Doom is a game, and nothing more. I will never kill someone in real life because of
a game I have played or a book I have read.  I am a big fan of the Harry
Potter series, but will never try to cast a spell to open a door. I know it
won't work.

Laughter is the best medicine, so look around, find a dose and take it to

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