Hi Jim,

I'm not getting into an argument with you, but I think you
misunderstood what I was saying. First, I don't have any issues with
the new Audio SDK, XAudio2, so I'm not sure why you mentioned it.
Second, it is generally a good idea to stay up to date as far as bug
fixes, patches, etc but as with everything in life there are pros and

For instance, Windows Vista was a poor release. Nobody, including me,
will argue that point. However, Windows 7 is far more stable, has some
performance improvements, etc that make it a better option than Vista
all things considered. However, the drawback with Windows 7 is that
you need a fairly new computer to run it. That isn't a blind issue,
but just a standard technical issue that effects everyone.

My point, which I think you missed, was that other alternatives like
Linux are better at handling system performance and supporting older
computers than Windows 7. If you go out and buy a brand new computer
with Windows 7 preinstalled you are not likely to run into performance
issues as that computer was custom built for Windows 7 where if you
take a Windows XP system from five years ago and upgrade you are going
to experience a serious performance hit right off because that CPU,
ram, etc wasn't designed to run something as processor and graphics
intensive as Windows 7.

On the other hand there are things about Windows 7 I truly like. For
example, the new Microsoft HTML help system. In Windows 7 when you
bring up help it is actually displayed as an html page in Internet
Explorer 8 you can tab around to links, jump to headings with h, jump
to tables with t, and several other accessibility improvements that
blows Windows XP's help system away in accessibility. So sometimes
upgrading really is better.

However, there are some things that have changed in Windows 7 were the
screen readers haven't quite caught up with. For instance, Visual
Studio 2010 uses a new GUI, some new accessibility framework other
than MSAA which was introduced with Windows 7, and Jaws and
Window-Eyes didn't know how to handle the new GUI interface.
Window-Eyes 7.5 has some support for the new GUI and accessibility
framework, but full support won't come until Window-Eyes 8.0. The
issue here is not weather or not to upgrade to the new GUI and
accessibility framework, but we'll have to wait until it is fully
supported by Jaws or Window-Eyes until those apps like Visual Studio
2010 are fully supported by the screen readers.

So like I said sometimes upgrading has pros, but sometimes there are
cons as well. You kind of have to take the good with the bad with this
sort of thing. At least as far as Windows is concerned.

With Linux, on the other hand,  I've been using Ubuntu since version 6
or so and I've noticed a steady improvement with every major and miner
release in terms of accessibility, applications, and I can't believe
how much it has improved since 2006. Plus I'm given to understand the
new Unity desktop for Ubuntu 11 is suppose to look pretty sharp, and
has a bunch of new access features not present in Ubuntu 10 and
earlier. So again upgrading for me seems to be the better option than
just sticking with what I have.


On 4/15/11, Jim Kitchen <j...@kitchensinc.net> wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> I don't mean to be too argumentative but, you always preach that one, us,
> needs to have the newest latest greatest OS up dates etc etc.  But now you
> are saying that the newest IE Windows 7, Vista, the new sound playing SDK
> are not the best for the blind.  Kind of like what I preach, if it is
> working, well use it until it doesn't.
> Again I am sorry, if I am being too argumentative.
> TGIF and BFN
>      Jim
> Feel lucky????  Update your software!
> j...@kitchensinc.net
> http://www.kitchensinc.net
> (440) 286-6920
> Chardon Ohio USA
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