Hi Mattheus and all,

A few corrections. While it is true joystick and mouse support was
disabled in this release by no means did I say it was perminit. It was
merely removed until I could find time to either add a better
cross-platform design, or decide to add in some platform specific
support for those devices. So I think you should not make bald
statements unless you know the facts. Which is I never once indicated,
said, or claimed that joystick and mouse support was going to be
perminitly removed. I merely removed support for them in this release,
because the SDL joystick/mouse support isn't working right and gamers
would have flooded my inbox with bug reports, complaints, and other
issues with it even though I know in advance support wasn't working to
begin with. So rather than explain myself over and over again why it
wasn't working I just disabled/removed it for the time being until I
fixed said problems.

Second, i've said a thousand times, and I'll say it again a thousand
times until you get the message,  my decision to create non-Windows
versions is personal nnot financial. I don't give a flying fig if I'm
the only Linux user in the the world who plays my games under Linux or
not. The important thing is that I personally can play it under Linux.
You got ityet?

However, as it is your claims that I'll only get 10 sales is totally
understated. You obviously don't have the slightest clue how big the
Linux community has grown, and I can tell you from running a poll on
various Linux lists I may get between 70 to 80 sales for this game
alone for Linux. In terms of dollars that is a grose income between
$2,400 and $2,800. Its not great money, but it will cover my expences
of investing in FMOD Ex and give me extra play money to do something
with. So once again if you don't know what you are talking about keep
it to yourself. I'm sick of hearing it.


As for the crack about programming languages that's definitely not
true. The 1.0 version of the G3D Engine was written in C# .NET.
Versions 2.0 and 3.0 are written in C++. That's only two different
programming languages. So I don't really get your crack about it being
written in every programming language.


On 5/25/11, Matheus Rheine <an...@bol.com.br> wrote:
> hi will, i totaly agree with you. look what has been changed in this
> beta! removed joystick support and mouse support! it wasn't perfect but
> at least it worked, pluss the audio with fmod, going back to sdl, i
> think that you will create mota in all the programming languages
> available, lol. just kidding man, but onestly you aren't going to sell
> more copies by adding linux or mac support, yep, you might get some more
> peoples to buy the game, like 10 or so, but that's it(that's my point of
> view at least) and if linux or mac users can play the game, there's
> always the vm possibilities for now. see, while others are working on
> new titles you're announcing new betas of mota for more than 2 years,
> pluss if we count mysteries of aztecs and montezumas revenge / return i
> can't even count...
> even the developers that develope game for the sighted stick with
> windows most of the time(unless there's a very good platform that allow
> then to use and create the game in more than one system, like steam)
> you will never be able to make everyone happy. if i were you i wouldn't
> announce these betas to the list, i would simple design the game the way
> i wanted and point. yep, there's the preordering issue, but you're a
> different developer, you're not james north and you don't need to give
> *the same* product that he was going to release, and also because some
> peoples preordered it doesn't mean that all the requests should be added
> just because they preordered it, or because you need to finish the
> project fast.

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