Pitermach, I've written down your suggestion, and I'll see if I can figure out 
a good way to make it.  I might end up contacting you about sounds, but I need 
to check with Locutus first, since I'm already working on a game with him as my 
sound effects guy.  It might be rude for me to not ask him about it first, lol.

Know what would be cool?  Playing mission 2.  Guess what?  It's posted!

Version 1.1b is posted, and it offers up mission 2, as well as a handful of 
people's suggestions for information given.  I still have plenty of people's 
suggestions to go through, but I still welcome anything else anyone wants to 
say.  It is always possible that some people won't particularly care for 
something I've added, which could have been a suggestion made by another 
player.  If that's the case, let me know you aren't happy with a change, so 
maybe we can all agree on a different way to do it.  Believe me, some times 
things sound good on paper, but in practice they aren't what you expected.  The 
new armed guards were somewhat complicated to code, so please let me know if 
you spot any bugs.  Good luck, and have fun!

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