Hi Michael,

Well, there were a couple of reasons why I changed the name from
Montezuma's Revenge to Montezuma's Return. One of the reasons I
changed the name is that the term "Montezuma's revenge" is American
slang for chronic diarrhea. I always thought that was a grose and
disgusting name for a game. Although, it is based on the historical
fact that Emperor Montizuma, the last emperor of the Aztec Empire, was
apparently constantly ill and suffered bad cases of  diarrhea and the
Spanish guards who held him captive in 1520 jokingly refered to his
sickness as "Montezuma's revenge." It has been passed down by word of
mouth ever since as slang or as a joke when some one is sick with the

The other reason I felt the game needed a slight name change  is that
although I was trying to stick to the original game there were people
who had never played the original who wanted me to change various
aspects of the game. To update it or add new ideas to it. I was
strongly against that, but never-the-less hoping to make the game
marketable I slowly gave into some demands and made changes that
didn't make it authentic. Therefore in my mind the game I was creating
was not an exact clone or copy of the game, but more like a spin-off
of the original. Therefore a new name was needed.

However, when I changed the name to Montezuma's Return I had no clue
that there was a game out there already with that name. I had never
heard of it. The only game I knew of in that series was the original
Montezuma's Revenge by Parker Brothers in the 1980's. I'm sure
googling the name might have turned up results or gave me proof that
another game existed, and I would have chosen a different name
altogether, but as things happened I just assumed no game was using
that title and got burned for it.

As for Mysteries of the Aztecs that was a temperary name I stuck on
Montezuma's Revenge/Return until I decided what to do with the game. I
figured since Utopia wanted me to take down the game rather than argue
with them I would take it down and write something completely
different and be done with the entire business. That's what I did.

Finally, as to why you seem to be getting less, as in only two levels
with Mysteries of the Ancients beta 22, when there were six complete
levels in Montezuma's Return beta 9 that's an easy thing to explain.
As I've explained many times The majority of the work done between
2008 and 2011 was work on the Genesis 3D Engine. It is a high level
game creation toolkit that will help USA Games produce games faster by
having fully developed common classes and modules for input, speech,
sound, performing 3d calculations, and so on. What set us behind
schedule is I started out using .Net, found out it wasn't going to
work, looked at a couple other languages, and decided to rewrite the
engine from scratch in C++. If I had written the engine from the start
in C++ or was still using the .Net version of the engine chances are
very good not only would have the engine been completed faster so
would Mysteries of the Ancients itself. The bottom line here is the
game has not been the primary goal for the last two/three years and
was only there to test the engine and make sure it worked before I
actually sat down and wrote the game itself.

With Montezuma's Return I wrote that as a stand alone game. I was just
learning .Net and Managed DirectX so sort of hobbled it together as I
went along. That's why even though it had six complete levels there
are some rather nasty bugs in the game where you can jump through
walls, freeze while jumping up, and a few other weird bugs like that.
Truth is in order to fix some of those kinds of bugs I was going to
have to rewrite the game anyway eventually to resolve/fix the


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