Hi. I agree completely with ryan. Games should me made as accessible
to all as possible without compromizing the challenge, otherwise where
should it stop. Should the zombies be made slower for those with a
motor impairment or should puzzles be easier in games like mota for
those who find it harder to solve puzzles? There are enough
limmitations on audio games as it is without imposing more limits
ourselves. Not using graphics to convey information is a big enough
challenge on its own. Sometimes it just works out that you have to
either work harder to be successful at a game or you can't play it, no
matter the reason. Other times a game might lend itself to a solution
for your problem. I'm not saying that developers should not put in
features to help people with other issues, just that there are too
many secondary disabilities to take into account. And there will
always be someone that feels they have been left out.

On 11/27/11, Dallas O'Brien <dallas.r.obr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> well put. yes, games are, by there very nature, ment to challenge us.
> without that challenge, they are boring.
> dallas
> On 28/11/2011 02:57, Ryan Strunk wrote:
>> I completely agree that the issues of panning and such for the hearing
>> impaired are important. I'm also trying to work on solutions in my titles.
>> However, I don't believe that a game should be made harder for those who
>> aren't good at games. The whole point of playing, in my opinion, is to
>> overcome a challenge. Being an invincible hero gets old pretty fast.
>> If a game is too hard, practice. If it's still too hard, play something
>> else.
>> I don't mean to sound like I'm coming down on you, Johnny, because that's
>> not my intent. But this argument crops up on list from time to time, and I
>> think it's a big part of the reason our games are the way they are.
>> Back in my mainstream title days, I can remember renting a game for
>> weekends
>> on end in order to complete it. I would buy a game for $50, then play it
>> for
>> a solid month before I was able to finish it. When I bought my first audio
>> game--Grizzly Gulch--I paid $50, then beat it in under 12 hours, and part
>> of
>> that 12 hours was because I slept.
>> This could easily spawn its own thread--and well it might--but the point
>> I'm
>> driving at is that games should be harder, not easier, and Swamp is no
>> exception.
>> Best,
>> Ryan
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: gamers-boun...@audyssey.org [mailto:gamers-boun...@audyssey.org] On
>> Behalf Of Johnny Tai
>> Sent: Saturday, November 26, 2011 7:24 PM
>> To: Gamers Discussion list
>> Subject: Re: [Audyssey] swamp
>> While a challenging game's all good and fun, and I do agree, death has to
>> mean something, but there has to be a balance- for those who are, 1:
>> Gaming-challenged. and 2: Got a hearing issue as several of us do and have
>> no solution yet. I know Jeremy said he's working on the 2nd, but in the
>> mean
>> time, it's a practice in frustration to be wacked off everytime you start
>> to
>> get somewhere.
>> I'm actually doing alright at the moment, but that's by playing extremely
>> cheap- staying enar the safe zone, everytime my health goes near 50% I run
>> for home and log back in... This is the only way I can find so far to be
>> able to save a bit of loot and not die every 3 minutes.
>> Before you say it, yes I know it's very cheap, and I hate playing chicken-
>> but I can't find any other way atm, what with the bugs and such, to play
>> this without wanting to smash the mouse 100 times and over lol.
>> Another point, the "being realistic" argument doesn't really jive- first
>> of
>> all, we're fighting...zombies...it's already not realistic. And secondly,
>> if
>> you want this to be "realistic" then you'd die from 2 or 3 zombie bites-
>> infection, bleeding, etc, and not be in there swinging that axe like Conan
>> the barbarian.
>> Games like Resident Evil and many others at least offer you lockers/item
>> boxes where you can go to store backup items in- so when you die, you just
>> lose things you gain after last time you save.
>> So no, it's not a blind gamer thing, maybe you can chuck it up to some
>> people just don't like the stress as much as some others.
>> My suggestion for making this a bit more sane is:
>> 1: Maybe a locker/saving system scattered throughout the map, so you don't
>> hav eto hug the safe zone in fear of losing everything you gained the last
>> hour.
>> or
>> 2: Need mroe healing options... In my 200 kills and about 500 deaths and
>> over 6 hours play time, I've ever only found 3 med kitts- and with the
>> little amount each restore, it's really not enough- considering I've found
>> no armor yet- the only 3 pieces I found went bye bye when a group of
>> zombies
>> greeted me inside a doorway. The zombies do alot of damage- especially a
>> tyrant, I got caught by one and before I could kill it, it left me at 35%
>> health and no med kitt.
>> All that being said, it's a kick ass game, and I've no doubt that once the
>> bugs are gone, things will even out for everyone- the new patch already
>> solve the zombie-gangbang issue for me and makes this 20 times more
>> enjoyable than a day ago.
>> ---
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