As far as flee goes you probably got unlucky. I know there are rooms with a noflee flag, but I believe Steven moves around so that wouldn't really work for him. He probably just has a much higher intrinsic flee dieroll than you do. On the subject of consider, the first number is in no way a guarantee that you will win. You want the info after that; it's the actually useful stuff. That number is very highly coordinated with hp (a necro without bone armor that casts and reconsiders the mob will change the number almost always due to the large hp change). Yes, the level recommendations may be strange, but remember that they're trying to do the same thing for a necromancer, who can easily blow through that stuff, particularly with a clev set. Azguard is hard for my level 30 warrior to fight for long. I can say that nanna has to be the hardest wandering mob due to her icebolts, nobody else casts save for loky, and he's not always aggressive. I probably should have said this in my last message, but when your exploring new areas you should always be ready to die. IF this means training practices (I suggest the mushz config option) as soon as possible then do so.

Some general archais advice (from memory we'll see how this goes): At level 25 the nergling mound is probably starting to dent. If you can, you want to try the swamps. I'd avoid blackwater hallows, and darsakious is probably a little strong for you right now. The hospital on the first floor should be good exp, as long as you don't go fighting three mobs at once (the doctors assist and the nurses tank) you should be safe. I'd pass on the receptionist and patients myself, but that's up to you. They'll probably take multiple runs, particularly the burn guy. Avoid the symbol on the east side if you find it, I doubt you'd be able to take on the quest at your level. Azeryth keep would probably cap easily, but might be very dangerous. If you can get by the first two rooms without dying your good for most of it (avoid the crypt though). The den of thieves and village itself should be dented by now, try the ship if your bored. Another great place is the sea serpents, those will almost certainly cap for you. There aren't a lot of them, but they don't seem to be that hard. Lokos (in the well) should be a good recommendation if your ready for azguard. Siren too, if you can kill her in a couple runs your safe. If you can take the path *easily* then you should have a shot at the vikings. Just watch out for nana and braggy using scan or l <direction>. You may want to head into the dark forest and take a look at the troll caves. I don't have a lot of info on these, but if you can handle the first couple trolls your good. Make sure you use the look <direction> a lot to make sure you don't get ganged up on, and watch where you sleep because all of them are aggressive. The mutated cave gekos *will* kill you. IF you want to try them bring a group of at least three or four. Also watch out for the troll king and grungy (the ladder casts something brutal that I don't remember and the former hits like anything). I'd avoid trogs if I were you, but I haven't tried to run them solo in a while, so that may not be fair to say. I'd pass on the spider caves and tyranids, but I've never soloed them. All I can say is that some of the spiders backstab, and tyranids do hit rather hard. There are other areas that I don't know well enough to tell you anything about, all I can say is to be careful. I do believe however, that I've covered the majority of the aggressive areas. On the subject of grouping, while the game is indeed playable solo, add at least three or four levels to the recommendation if your not grouping. You can currently probably solo everything on the mud at some level, but that level is going to be very very high.

Hope that helps,

I'm not really a group player, that's the problem. Dentin has stated the game is playable solo, and that's largely true, but it seems only if you stick to specific areas, and if the mobs in the hospital are so tough, why
is it only level 23?

As for aggression, nana or whatever her name is in asgard was agro, so no dice, and the guy in the hospetal showed up as a minus 1, indeed the fight wasn't going too bad accept for some reason the run, and flee commands all
didn't work.
Beware the grue!

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