Hi dentin.
I love the setup idea, particularly the idea that space is so dam huge and that exploring and naming planets and systems is a major part of the game. thinking about the aliens there seem to be two extremes.

Either have some sort of creature generation process that mixes adverbs and ai characteristics, or to have prewritten races to encounter.

The problem is the first approaach would end up with some rather ridiculous results, ---- the yellow scaly spider cyborgs who build underwater cities and live on a barren rocky planet?

Check out this creature Generator for D&D style monsters http://www.apolitical.info/webgame/creature which is very amusing to play with but also shows the problems of such systems.

On the other hand, preprogrammed aliens would firstly mean a lot of work, and also mean populating the galaxy with sufficiently diverse alien races to give the feel of exploration quite difficult.

So, how about design some basic alien species, but then set the game in a universe where many of these species have been scattered, and thus mutated or formed odd groupings, or perhaps a universe where some sort of elder race actually seeded various worlds with species, so many are ditantly related even though they come from different planets.

thus you could play with a couple of random elements, skin colour or basic nature, but leave most of the description and behaviour the same.

For example there might be various insect alien species who live in hives and have biological technology, but if you come upon a new one they could be small and green and very low tech but quite willing to accept and trade with outsiders, ---- or large and red with rough skin with an aggressive, warrior culture that would tolerate outsiders and perhaps even work as mercinaries, but wouldn't be friendly enough to trade or the liek, or smedium sized and white with a fanatic religious dogma and highly evolved technology who seak to convert or destroy anyone in their path to the worship of their hive mind who is also their God.

I know your still in the planning stages as yet, but this is just a suggestion when your working out the code for aliens, sinse I'd love to see a game that like the best sf also gave us lots of aliens to interact with, who's nature or intentions weren't always clear.

In mechanics terms this would translate to newly discovered locations being either full of hostile creatures who'd attack anyone who was even in the surrounding area, teretorial creatures who would attack only if you go into their immediate vicinity, aggressive creatures who might work as mercinaries or offer other bennifits but only if you prove your worth in combat, or various more peaceful species you could establish some sort of trading relations or bennifits with (or instance a very industrial race might be willing to trade advanced mining technology for resources, while a religious or spiritual race might offer repares, healing or other bennifits but only upon you carrying out some tasks for them, indeed making certain technologies, character skills and other items n game only available from certain alien races could be a really interesting idea dn encourage people to explore even further.

Beware the grue!


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