well things are improving slightly, I have a humacti on my 
ring who is just 
plane awsome! with renowned combat and lots of clout, 
and he virtually 
single handedly routed the trolls in a skirmish. thanks to a 
couple of good 
omens, and I even persuaded the herani to be friends.
I did however make a bit of a bodge with exploration and 
sent an expedition 
off into the wild blue yonder never return. I believethis 
was because though 
I thought I was exploring an unknown hex comparatively 
close to the regions 
I'd previously explored, it was actually off somewhere 
One real problem I have is though i can tell which hexe's 
are explored and 
which aren't, I can't find my own tula on the map at all, 
and thus have no 
idea how far or distant anywhere is, it's weerd actually, I 
see lots of 
other clans, but not mine! :D.
Of course I might have just missed mine on the map, sinse 
there are a lot! 
of hexes.
any suggestions? I've just been flicking through the hexes, 
but obviously 
that's not ts.
As to advisers, I'm really quite amused by their different 
personalities. My 
chief is a no nonsense sort of fellow, while my priestess of 
the earth 
goddess seems to want to chop up all men and make 
them into furtilizer to 
help the crops grow! actually she rather reminds me of a 
feminist lecturer I 
used to have, :d.
that's one thing I really like about the game, it doesn't feel! 
like playing 
resource management so much as managing actual 
I also have one more question about magic and blessings.
I get that sacrificing for mysteries lets you learn more 
blessings and 
sacrifice for them later, but how do you learn the 
mysteries that help you 
in the hero quests? or do you just need to keep sacrificing 
for mysteries 
until one of the gods decides to give you information?
despite all this though, I am really enjoying the game, 
though I don't think 
this will be a particularly auspicious clan, still hard games 
can be 
rewarding! :d.
I'm only sorry that I can't export my clan's sarga, sinse I 
don't currently 
have any E-mail accounts setup on my iphone. it's a 
shame I can't save it 
just as part of the game and then mail it later, or even just 
have it in a 
stats file on an internal game score board or something 
similar the way 
entombed holds past games.
I would almost! considder getting twitter just for Kodp 
related things.

Ps: appologies if this is a repeate, I  just got a message saying my original 
was too long sinse I forgot to chop the rest of the  conversation off, but I 
think this was the one it meant.

Beware the grue!
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