How in the world do you play beer pong? I beat that game once, and it took me almost two hours. You know they even have that on the iPhone now, and you even tilt the device toward yourself to get that refreshing drink of beer after a good shot. ----- Original Message ----- From: "James Bartlett" <>
To: "'Gamers Discussion list'" <>
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 12:24 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Storm8 games information

Well I just wanted 2 say thank you 4 calling me a crazy gamer. I love
playing the wii and other games like that. my favorite games are bowling oh and I can kick some but in beer pong. The bowling is on the wii. I just like 2 have fun and I like 2 try 2 play the games that I played b4 I lost my eye
sight. Some I can play and some I can not. But I won't know till I try.

James the crazy gamer

-----Original Message-----
From: shaun everiss []
Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2013 11:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Storm8 games information

What interests me  are the class of gamers.
The lowest of the low are not on here as such but I know of a few.
some of them blind others not.
in the scheme of things they are the poor retarded bunch that have no idea
and or just getting started.
I have a few, one of them was not blind and had potential but never got
further than last crusade and decent into madness and not for long.
To others that never heard of audiogames and only did the  simple board
games and then not that much.
Then the standard gamer, most of us are in this catogry.
To the advanced strat gamer, I am not really one of those I sertainly
couldn't plan for ages what I will do, I play games for the story and to
muck round but I honestly don't care to solve without cheating I don't want
to use my brain for anything serious unless its real easy or I can grind
Then there is the crazy gamer class the hard core type.
They play games the rest of us me included wouldn't dream of playing.
Games that are inaccessable and there for crappy and useless to most of us
not that we whoud know what they all mean.
this includes some iphone games, consoles yeah consoles in general.
I just don't know how they actually do it, and play reasonably ok and also
online no speech.
These same people play in multipul languages and really show the blind
community up, they are the super blind.
Not sure how many exactly are round but probably more than you think.

At 04:13 PM 3/18/2013, you wrote:
Well I did wonder if there was at the least a little more text to some
of the games, though I'm listening to raul's demos and while the pvp
element doesn't seem to heavy I'm less happy with the lack of
description since "missions" shouldn't just be a button and an auto

I might try a couple of the games later, but I'm not sure whether
they're as much my thing, indeed that's again why I would appreciate
information From Raul or someone else who is obviously a fan of the games.

All the best,


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