I just noticed a change in gmetad's behavior with respect to the
scalable config option that happened in version 2.5.5, which I didn't
notice before.  The scalable option now only affects how gmetad
processes xml data it reads, not how it writes its own xml data.  The
documentation in the gmetad.conf file says that setting scalable to off
will also make it not wrap its xml output in a grid tag.

Either the documentation or code should probably be corrected.


|  Jason A. Smith                          Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  Atlas Computing Facility, Bldg. 510M    Phone:  (631)344-4226   |
|  Brookhaven National Lab, P.O. Box 5000  Fax:    (631)344-7616   |
|  Upton, NY 11973-5000                                            |

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