It probably isn't common, but using an old gmetad with the new 2.5.7
webfrontend scripts will cause an error from this code in
get_ganglia.php which is assuming a grid tag must be present:

# If we have no child data sources, assume something is wrong.
if (!count($grid))
      print "<H4>Ganglia cannot find a data source. Is gmond

Shouldn't the error message say gmetad not gmond?  Is a grid tag really
necessary for the webfrontend to function?  If I comment this code out
the web page looks fine to me.


On Mon, 2004-12-13 at 13:02, Jason A. Smith wrote:
> I just noticed a change in gmetad's behavior with respect to the
> scalable config option that happened in version 2.5.5, which I didn't
> notice before.  The scalable option now only affects how gmetad
> processes xml data it reads, not how it writes its own xml data.  The
> documentation in the gmetad.conf file says that setting scalable to off
> will also make it not wrap its xml output in a grid tag.
> Either the documentation or code should probably be corrected.
> ~Jason
|  Jason A. Smith                          Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  Atlas Computing Facility, Bldg. 510M    Phone:  (631)344-4226   |
|  Brookhaven National Lab, P.O. Box 5000  Fax:    (631)344-7616   |
|  Upton, NY 11973-5000                                            |

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