Hi There.
It appears that 2.6.0 is quite a significant step from 2.5.x especially
since there isn't 100% backwards compatibility with 2.5.x. I don't want
to sound too pessimistic but I sense that it may be sometime before we
see an official 2.6.0 release. Why don't we see more frequent minor
release increments? I'm not happy about the 'cancellation' of 2.5.8
after various steps were taken to get CVS in order, etc. It's great fun
being able to completely re-work key parts of the architecture but it's
important to provide a constant flow of minor updates and bug fixes for
those of us committed to using 2.5.x in production environments. We're
near the end of 2004 and I still haven't seen an official 2.5.x release
that addresses any of my key issues that were fixed in CVS ages ago
(unicasts, Solaris metrics, dropping kvm, etc.) How long do I have to
continue using unofficial ganglia code? I'd like to hear other peoples
comments on the ever-changing Ganglia release schedule.