On Tue, 2006 Aug 15 19:29:22 -0700, Bernard Li wrote:
> We could definitely use your expertise in autoconf/automake.  Right now 
> the immediate need would be to figure out the best way to remove the 
> dependencies on the extra libraries we ship with Ganglia that are not 
> necessary part of Ganglia code.  Will you be interested in helping us 
> address that?

Certainly, though this should be straightforward. I see three basic steps:

        1. Add appropriate new options to the configure script 
           (--with-expat-prefix=PFX or whatever). If the package already 
           distributes an M4 macro, this will be trivial.

        2. Change references to the appropriate libraries (e.g. 
           "-I.../expat-lib" becomes "$(EXPAT_CPPFLAGS)" or whatever; 
           ".../expat/libexpat.la" becomes "$(EXPAT_LIBS)" or the like)

        3. svn rm

I assume libmetrics is going to stay in the tree, but why does it have its 
own configure script et al.?

> Basically the goal would be to use the distro-provided libraries instead 
> of the ones we provide.  We plan to ship the extra libraries in a 
> separate tarball so that OSes that do not have them will still work.

Sounds good. You could have a convenience/wrapper script that handles the 
build of the dependencies + ganglia, to save Unix-y users the three or four 
separate "configure, make, make install" cycles. (A poor man's GARNOME, if 
you will.)


NAME   = Daniel Richard G.       ##  Remember, skunks       _\|/_  meef?
EMAIL1 = [EMAIL PROTECTED]        ##  don't smell bad---    (/o|o\) /
EMAIL2 = [EMAIL PROTECTED]      ##  it's the people who   < (^),>
WWW    = http://www.******.org/  ##  annoy them that do!    /   \
(****** = site not yet online)

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